
Comments (2)

What do you think?

so fun :D

interesting game


Steer Clear

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago


Steer away from all the upcoming satellites and asteroids. Deploy a drone to start shooting and protect UFO at all cost.


  • Spacebar to start the game

  • Press A key to deploy Player 2

Player 1

  • Arrow keys to move

Player 2

  • W,A,S, D keys to move

  • Spacebar to shoot laser


UFO(main ship)

  • Player 1 will be handling the UFO which is the main ship. 

  • The main ship has 3 lives and once it reaches zero it’s game over.

  • Player 1 can only avoid the obstacles.

  • If the UFO hit an asteroid the lives will be reduced, however if it hits the satellite, the size will be increased thus making it harder to avoid the objects.


  • Drone will be played by Player 2.

  • Players can shoot the asteroid and satellites by pressing Spacebar keys.

  • Drone will be destroyed once it hits a satellite or asteroid. However, the drone can respawn after some time if the UFO is still in the game.

  • If the main ship lives reach zero it’s game over for both Player 1 and Player 2.


  • Fatal to both UFO and drone


  • Fatal to drone

  • Causes the UFO to increase in size

Every 200 scores the speed is accelerated. The further the player, the higher their score

#arcade #ufo #spaceship #endless

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