Comments (5)
I'm loving it...
One of the main reason this game has so many copy's is that it's very popular. People want new levels and new power ups. This game does deliver , great graphics , smooth controls.The music in itself isn't a masterpiece but it's perfect for the Breakout type game.These style games are very easy to beat and leaves you with wanting more content that's why people make copy's of this game.I do not agree with people rating a game a 1 our of 5 just because its a copy of another game, if that was truly the case , every game would be rated a 1. So in conclusion , I say good job and keep those Breakout clones coming. This game was done well. Thank you.
Way too many people copying this game!!!
A copy of the original breakout...REAL LAME!
Super Breakout 2007 Evolution
A breakout game I made back in 2007.
Downloaded overall >30000 on different gaming sites, featured on YoYoGames and MaskedBear.
Contains 50 levels broken up into 4 board packs, 8 powerups.
Have fun, and please rate!
P.S. please ignore comments from people who rate 1 out of 5, it's just some moron trolling.