
Comments (11)

What do you think?

So...where's the game? o0

I download previous version of this game some time ago, and now there's updated version. So what's changed from the former?

Nonetheless, it was fun playing this game . Had to try some areas couple times to get it right and to do the rescue .

BTW you should post this game in communities such as Game Dev community. Don't forget to show some screenshots also



Version: 0.1.0about 1 year ago

Wish Jewel

Version: 0.1.0about 1 year ago

A beat em up where the player fights tons of enemies as well as battle strong villains, also has backstory for both good and evil factions. #action #platformer #survival #beatemup #fighting

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Had to fix yet another crucial bug. When I altered the dash, I accidentally made the Buildoids unable to walk, now I rearranged the code brackets properly and both teams can walk again.

I tried redoing the dash as much as possible. Now it can't be slowed down by the treadmills and it can go through tight passages like before. Hope this is a great retooling.


Okay I fixed a few things on the game. Hope it's worthwhile now.

Hey all, I'm considering making an expansion pack for Levity Fleet 2 sometime soon. It'll feature six extra heroes and villains, as well as a new fortress and some new fortress bosses. When I get the expansion done, I hope it'll be great.

Fixed yet another bug, this time it's regarding revisiting a completed level path. Now you can leave the level without the boss music playing over other music.

Ran into yet another bug, and that is the players meters and lives not replenishing upon a game over. Now I corrected that flaw and I hope this time, the game will be without flaws.

Well there was something I forgot to put into Levity Fleet 2, and that is Marble's shield collision code, also had to fix optional item gains too. Now that I got those done, the game is truly completed.

As of now, Levity Fleet 2's development has finished. The long awaited sequel to Levity Fleet has been uploaded for public play. It took me ten long months to make this game, but I think the effort and wait was well worth it. Enjoy this sequel.


Took a while to make this video, but at least it was worth it. Great catchy music used for the main six areas in Levity Fleet 2.

Found out what was wrong. I put in an enter key function on the gimmick objects to turn invisible when the game is paused, somehow I made the game unable to unpause. Now I took that code out and made it to where the gimmicks could vanish during pause.