
SuperCaseoh: Infinity Calories War game!
Welcome to SuperCaseoh: Infinity Calories War!
Year 2027 has just arrived!! Nickocado Avocado and Orlin were setting up a wedding, but tragically Orlin was shot in Chicago. Nick went crazy and decided to get fat again by injecting himself toxins that gave him superpowers! His new plan is to destroy planet earth! Fortunately, SuperCaseoh is a fat superhero who uses his powers for good. He must gain calories to become more powerful against silly fat Nick. It depends all on Caseoh to save planet earth!
How to Play:
Each fat enemy will spawn ahead of you! They will appreach your area to take down damage, you must use your powers to take each enemy down. To gain calories you must collect junk food but be careful because salads will appear and can take your calories down if you consume them! Survive all the way to wave 10 to fight against Nickocado Avocado.
-A, D or arrow keys to move.
-SPACE to shoot laser.
-E to shoot giant pizza.
-F to shoot fire balls.
-X to use combo.
-1 to summon thunder.
-Collect junk food to gain calories.
-Avoid salads that can decrease your calories.
-Survive wave 9 to fight against Nick.
ScratchyParaStudios - creator of the game.
Caseoh - Super Fat Caseoh.
Nickocado Avocado - Villian.
Machinimasound - The Land of the Wizard ost.
BreakingCopyright - Good Day To Die [Epic]
XxCharlesJustRoblox- Creator of Helicopter Vector1
mocca200 - Creator of Helicopter Vector2
Verbisback - Creator of Helicopter Vector3
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