Comments (79)
Really good game! Turns out I suck at it though... Say, that "Part 1" bit there... does that imply that there's a part 2? Because 1, there is an issue that needs to be fixed (at one point full-heartedly jump off the right side of screen only to find that I had committed suicide and instead I had to go up) and 2, one does not simply put "Part 1" in the title and not expect a "Part 2" to be mentioned.
i know
Good Game.
Well it took me awhile to get to trying this.... my previous browser setup didnt like this site one bit, but I gave it a whirl. This is pretty good. And difficult. Good level design.
I had no problem with the controls, but then I used a controller for it.
The only issue was that the trophy popups, well.... ya might wanna change those, they're kinda annoying in that form, and a little glitchy. Shouldnt interrupt gameplay like that.
Noticed the specific retro sounds, by the way. Pretty sure the "blown up by land mine" sound is from Demon Attack on the 2600.
Generic spam content warning: No critique.
I should pay attension to messages, but I will try this game tomorrow and give an opinion. Also why do people just add me? I am not a nice person, and Barry :3
Supernatural Part Iâ„¢
Game Soundtrack
Linkin Park - And One (MostafaEmgiem's Title Cut)
This Is A Really Fun Arcade Game That Challenges You To Passing Levels And Gathering Points and Have Records!
The Game is Final Version (4)
+GameJolt Score Submit
Video Added!
I Added A Video capture of mission 1. i will create a good trailer too. if you made another video let me know.
[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIKVZ1rkptM ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIKVZ1rkptM