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Team Heroes Made of Metal is a project (my first ever one)by me (Developer DJ). In the game you can choose to play as 6 characters. Daniel, Eleanor, Isabelle, Cameron, Inigo and Jaye. Daniel is the founder and leader of Team Heroes. In the game, you'll only be able to use his speed, but if I make an RPG Team Heroes game you'll be able to use a lot more than speed. Eleanor was Daniel's first best friend when he joined a new infant school. Her attacks are based of glittery stuff and in game you'll be able to use her glitter bombs to bring in the party boom! Issy is Daniel's sister and was let into Team Heroes due to her passion for joining. She uses sun based attacks to heat up the battle. Cameron is one of Daniel's best friends from secondary school and uses his ending fire to end the fight. Inigo is another friend secondary school and he uses his strength to spin the enemies into oblivion as well as using his spin attack to glide through the air, like a helicopter (sort of). Finally, Jaye uses his Teleportation to destroy enemies whilst teleporting. He makes sure those enemies are scared to death when they find him behind them. Moving on we have the villians, Metal replicas of Team Heroes. They are known as Team Mecha and they will do anything to stop Team Heroes for unknown reasons. Where they were made and who by is also unknown and it's up to you to save the day and find out the secrets of Team Mecha. It will be free. The pixel art is still WIP, and I will keep on updating the pixel art.

The Team (so far):

  • Developer DJ/DJ.awesome: The game maker and creator of Daniel.

  • Issymine: Creator of Issy

  • Elfi: Creator of Eleanor

  • Endey666: Creator of Cameron

  • JDOG_664: Creator of Jaye

  • SpaghettiHead55: Creator of Inigo

As I have just listed, they are the people who have helped make Team Heroes, so far. Thank you for reading all this way, and that's all from me. Developer DJ.



Discord Server:

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Progress 29/08/17

Development update 30/4/17

Development progress: Update 01/04/17