Comments (10)
You need to do more work on you game. Please, your game has a lot of potential.
This is the WORST game that I have ever played. I would rather play Call of Duty, and that is saying something.
NOT only are the mechanics COMPLETE GARBAGE, but you are ugly and smell bad.
I gave a "Great" not for how the game is now, it is for the concept. Currently I rate 4/5.
Improve: tutorial, maybe a background, and a list of full controls.
Basic Review:
Textures low quality
For intro text put a continue button not a timer.
Weirdest controls I have ever seen
Holding shift does nothing obvious
Features seem to be missing
The cursor image is not rendered where the cursor actually is.
Tutorial text is rendered incorrectly sometimes
Moving sideways is EXTREMELY sensetive.
The text in the corner is tiny
You added a save system!
Teh Corstle Pre-Alpha
Your story starts here, as a poor, lonely farmer. Above you was a king; a rich,
greedy corrupt king. After a defeat from an attack from the Orc Army, the king has
fallen. Maybe you could gain power, maybe you could be rich, maybe you should be king.
Though you only have a small house and no money, you could find a way...
After building housing for villagers, constructing a farm and work places. You will find
yourself defeating armies such as knights, vikings, zombies and orcs. You will
have to fight through a devastating plague, endure the annoying attacks from
thieves and murderers, and simply watch as you expand your kingdom from a single
farmhouse, to a massive castle housing the new king.
Mouse movement controls the cursor.
Tab switches to work mode, releasing it switches to attack mode.
Shift locks the cursor from scrolling.
Z accesses soldiers.
X accesses inventory.
C accesses Crafting.
V sends an army.
Q takes control of ally defenses.
E releases control of ally defenses.
A moves controlled allies to the left.
D moves controlled allies to the right.
Left mouse click controls clicking in menus and selections, controlled attacks, when in work mode it places blocks.
Right mouse click controls breaking trees and rocks, it controls the cursors attack on enemies and breaking blocks.
Space is used in soldiers menu to remove all helmets.
Scrolling up and down speeds up and slows down the game.
Hidden cheat codes are active.