
Android Build (.apk)
Windows Installer

Conquer the galaxy with your army and fight off waves of T-Rex hordes as you attempt to terraform their planet. Manage the superior race of Civil-Aliens and direct them to gather resources. Grow your civilization, population, and power. Build armories and train Combatants, a life form enslaved by your people and controlled by the microchip in their skulls, to destroy the T-Rexes inhabiting the planet.
Terra Nova is a pixel 2D real-time-strategy game, with wave based enemies tied to a 24 hour day/night cycle. At night the T-Rexes make their move and will swarm upon your civilization. During the day-time they will retreat back to the holes they came from.
Deplete the planet of it's resources, create a civilization, and slaughter the inhabitants.
Includes Game Jolt integrations for accounts, trophies, highscores, and cloud saving.
Supported on...
Web, both desktop and mobile (iOS and Android)
Windows, this version will run faster on most machines.
Android, this version will run faster on most devices.
Note: This game was originally built for Desktop and Web, mobile support was implemented but was not the focus during development.
Civil-Aliens - A superior species that's main motive is to conquer the galaxy.
Combatants - Simple minded species controlled by Civil-Aliens through a microchip implanted in their skulls.
Head Quarters - The main building used to generate units.
House - Increases your population max count.
Farm - Managed by a Civil-Alien to generate food resources.
Armory - Used to generate combatants.
Watch Tower - A pair of Civil-Aliens keeping peace in a radius around them by shooting rockets at enemies.
Food - Used to build units.
Wood - Used primarily for buildings.
Crystals - Used for combat capabilities and the main resource you're gathering on the planet.
Game Modes and Difficulties
Easy - Less enemies and less stress. Highscores are not tracked.
Normal - A regular experience with a reasonable amount of challenge.
Hard - An intense heart pounding experience for those who like a challenge.
Peaceful - No enemies will spawn. Locked until you beat a game in any difficulty. Highscores are not tracked.
Creative - Play as if you're on Normal but start at night and with 100k of each resource. Locked until you beat a game in the Hard difficulty. Highscores are not tracked.
Catroth E3 - This planet was knocked towards the sun by an asteroid. A once flourishing planet now consists of sand and remnants of what it once was.
Chyke D2 - An earth-like planet with beautiful green fields.
Dragua F3 - Made up of lavender cosmic dust that has collected on it for millions of years.
Haecnuces V - An asteroid, floating through the expanse of the universe, consisting of stone.
Thora 11 - An icy forested region in the outer belt of the solar system with forests that act as mazes.
Note: To maintain consistency with physics, planets all have the same time in a day.
This game is based on a game jam submission to the Game Dev Knights Spring game jam 2021. We decided that we had something interesting and decided to keep the team together and make this completed edition. View the original game on itch io.
#strategy #rts #aoe #terranova #singleplayer #indie #gamejam #gdk #retro #pixel #roguelike #planets #terraform #2d #topdown #farming #resources #gathering #combat