
Comments (62)

What do you think?

I could have some classes with Google translator about Dutch! Google can even pronounce my name right!
I would have said your name with the English pronounce before hehe! Good to know the correct pronounce! I always use the text chat instead of voice chat, and this way it is hard to tell were any player is from... people have to write short texts or will be exposed to danger XD

Melody explained about why she was hidden there, those winged people must be dangerous!

It looks like that Yuleria has seem so much about Phantasar! If one day you publish this novel in English don’t forget to tell me!

I finished the game!
This is really a good game, with everything a fantasy RPG needs. The story is beautiful, with many charismatic characters and a fantastic world! And I loved the boss battles!!

Amazing game!!
Great history, soundtrack, voice acting, and interesting gameplay!

It looks like that the previous version (17.09.26) is more stable than 17.10.25. This new version crashes a lot and I can't login with my gamejolt account. Version 17.09.26 crashes mostly when I try to log with the GJ account, but when I don't the game works well!

one of the best rpgs of gj!! i love the main heroes, and perfect soundtrack \o/

I've played this game but unfortunately I got bug with save game system. For some reason, it can't read saved games even though there is a save file in my HD
Also when I exited the game, I got this:


While I'm here, I also found this bug:


Hopefully these will be fixed :)


The Fairy Tale REVAMPED - No Audio

Version: 17.11.14over 7 years ago
The same applies for the full audio version except that all music and voice acting files have been removed from this build. Regular sound effects should just work. This version is for people with little bandwidth, or small hard disks, since the voice acting and music files are huge (bigger than the rest of the game altogether). You need 7z to unpack if you normally download, but I recommend the client.

The Fairy Tale REVAMPED - Windows Installer

Version: 17.11.14-aover 7 years ago
This is the installer for Windows Users Only. ONLY download this installer if you download the game from the site. NEVER use this installer with the client! Only the full Aduio version is supported with the installer.

The Fairy Tale REVAMPED - Players manual

Version: 17.3.17almost 8 years ago
This package only contains the players manual in PDF format.

The game is currently undergoing a remake. Assets and design will most of all remain the same, but the code had to be rewritten from scratch. There is no ETA when the new version will be done. The two versions' savegames will NOT be compatible with each other (sorry). The old version is "deprecated" and will be removed when the open alpha of the remake is released.

If you like this game, you may also want to check out

Report any bugs you may find on my issue tracker

Long ago, I wrote an RPG game named "The Fairy Tale".
This game was the start of "The Phantasar Chronicles". Now these series have taken a lot different curve than I had in mind back when I set up the story for this game, but still as this is the story that began it all, I have revamped this game.
The original game, may also be published later.


Delisto, one of the greatest continents of Phantasar is at war. The big racial war. Elves, Dwarves, Fairies and humans fight each other for dominion, and nobody remembers how the war began. But then Marrilona and Jake, a Fairy and a human get magically bond by the Fairy love bond. An unbreakable bond of love and bound the two together forever, while they were supposed to be enemies. Not only that, their relationship would wake the all destroying Black Dragon, or at least, that is what the myths say. Feeling guilty and responsible the young couple ventures out on a quest to find out if the myth about the Black Dragon is true, and if it is, how to defeat it. But things do not seem right. Scripts and books are inconsistent and eventually the quest appears to lead to many great and dark secrets that Phantasar has kept secret for 10,000 years. Are you up for it to discover the truth?


Jake Daniel Werrington

A young human warrior who just completed his training as a warrior. He has a very strong sense of duty and his biggest fear is to be ever unable to help those in need.
Fate brings Jake in trouble when he falls in love with Marrilona, and since nothing can break a fairy bond of love, but there is still a war between the two races, he forced to treason, which upsets him greatly.

  • Data | Value

  • Full Name: | Jake Daniël Werrington

  • Age: | 21

  • Race: | Human

  • Gender: | Male

  • Weapon: | Sword

  • Armor: | Leather Armor

  • Likes: | Helping people

  • Hates: | Watching people die without being able to do something about it.

  • Favorite Food: | Roasted stag

  • Voiced by: | Wicky77


Marrilona, daughter of Fandalora

A young girl, who just turned 200 years old, which is for fairies the year of coming of age. Marrilona is always cheerful and optimistic, but has the bad tendency to act first and think later getting herself into trouble time after time. She easily cries when people scold her for that, but sorts things out pretty quickly and always accepts the blame for her errors. Marrilona never runs away from her responsibilities and shows a great love for her little sister, Yannee.

  • Data | Value

  • Full Name: | Marrilona, daughter of Fandalora

  • Age: | 200

  • Race: | Fairy

  • Gender: | Female

  • Weapon: | Magic Wand

  • Armor: | Short dresses

  • Likes: | Adventure

  • Hates: | Boredom

  • Favorite Food: | Apples and berries

  • Voice by: | Pachelle



A Dwarf always busy to that what he thinks he must. Dandor has a strong sense of duty and courage. He hates nothing more than cowards and does not make any effort to hide that. Dandor is a man of a few words, but when he takes in an opinion he stands firm for it.

  • Data | Value

  • Full Name: | Dandor

  • Age: | 6

  • Race: | Dwarf

  • Gender: | Male

  • Weapon: | Axe

  • Armor: | None

  • Likes: | Protecting people

  • Hates: | Cowards

  • Favorite Food: | Doesn't care as long as it's edible.

  • Voice by: | Tricky


Hando Stillor

Record holder of being the oldest Elf alive (not counting the Elves of the first and second generations). Hando Stillor is the high-priest in the order of Weniaria (the Goddess of Healing) and will therefore act as your party's main healer. Not only does he provide the party with healing, but also with wisdom, and therefore he can often act as the party's mentor. His biggest wish is to live to see the day the big racial war dividing the four great races of Delisto comes to an end, although he does realise this is a wish against better judgment.
In the new version of the game, he will also serve as the game's narrator.

  • Data | Value

  • Full Name: | Hando Stillor

  • Age: | 1024

  • Race: | Elf

  • Gender: | Male

  • Weapon: | Staff

  • Armor: | Priest shirt

  • Likes: | Research. Friendship. The hope for peace.

  • Hates: | People being mean to each other

  • Favorite Food: | Vegetarian dishes

  • Voice by: | Tricky

  • Playable in #English and #Dutch

  • Available for #Windows and #Mac (#OSX)

  • Mouse control

  • Earn #achievements and log them onto #gamejolt and/or #anna

  • Very expanded character development system

  • Strong storyline with a lot of #lore about #phantasar

  • Tons of #boss fights and #optionalbosses

  • When you're done play the game in the "New Game+" mode for even more content.

  • Three difficulty settings. So beginners, casual gamers and no life gamers should all be happy.

  • Github bugtracker is present, so in the case you find one report it and I shall fix it asap.

  • Actor | Real name | Characters

  • Wicky 77 | W.K. Chan | Jake

  • Pachelle | Evelyn Klein-Hulse | Marrilona

  • Tricky | Jeroen P. Broks | Hando Stillor

  • . | . | Harry

  • . | . | Krandar

  • . | . | Fairy Elder

  • . | . | Dandor

  • FOM | Marieke | Feenalaria

  • . | . | Sasha Funda

  • Wout66 | Wouter Wershkull | Chief Werrington

  • . | . | Fandalora

  • . | . | Fighting master

  • Linvala | Angela Nagtzaam | Sandra

  • HuKe | Hung Kee Chan | Ghost of Hando Stillor's father

Basic controls


  • Cursor keys or WASD keys to walk around and move the cursor in the menus

  • TAB = Open menu

  • ESC = Cancel

  • SPACE or ENTER = Confirm

  • 1,2,3 and 4 = Go to a different character in the menu or select/unselect a character in the master appointment/dismissal system

  • Cursor keys or WASD = Move Character

  • E = Turn on/off random encounters (if you are allowed to do that in the dungeon you're in. You can (mostly) get this permission by obtaining the traveler's emblem in the specific dungeon).

  • J = Use Jake's "Shift" move in the field.

Joy Pad

Since all joy pads differ from each other in input based on brand or model, you will have to set this up yourself in the configuration menu.
The default keys were based on a Logitech F310 controller when used on Mac. If that is your setup the default settings are
A (green) - Confirm
B (red) - Cancel
Y (ember) - Menu
Left stick or directional keys (based on the set mode) - Move character
L1 / L2 - Go to a different character in the menu


  • Point and left click anywhere in the dungeon = Walk to the spot. Don't worry about obstacles, due to the pathfinder routine, the characters will walk around all obstacles.

  • Point and left click an NPC or any other object you can use = Walk to the person/object and talk to him or her/use it.

  • Left click any character in the menu below = Open/Close the menu (in the field only)

  • Point any icon in the menu = Select / Use = that item

  • Right mouse button = Cancel
    (These controls are pretty similar to Star Story).

Minimal system specs

  • Windows users: Windows XP or later is required. Windows 7 or 10 (Not 8!) is recommended.

  • Mac users: Snow Leopard or later should run the game, although audio may not work unless you have Mountain Lion or later. Recommended is El Capitan or later.

  • CPU: 2,5 GHz Intel Core i5 or better recommended

  • RAM: 4GB or more recommended 2GB minimally recommended.

  • OpenGL version 1.2 or better is required (DirectX is NOT supported).

Preventing Lags

The game can be a bit demanding. If the game lags there are a few things you can try to make it run faster.

  • Play full screen

  • Or use a smaller screen mode

  • Close other applications. In particular web browsers, torrent clients and e-mail clients are known for slowing down a system.

  • And of course make sure you fit in the specifications set above.

Official support for Linux is not given, nor is this planned. Since the engine is open-source, Linux users are free to see if they can get the engine to work in Linux. However as the call to Anna and the Game Jolt API are both closed-sourced (for security reasons) the Linux version will NOT support either of them. (The Windows version SHOULD run with Wine, but please note that I will not give official support for running the game in Wine).

Time for #tagstorm
#jake #marrilona #dandor #handostillor #phantasar #rpg #fantasy #turnbasedcombat #fun #newgameplus #skills #magic #difficultysettings #achievement #trophy #trophies #story #jrpg #nothisisnotafangame
#singleplayer #offline #LAURAII #humans #fairies #dwarves #elves #spirata #melee #love #dragon #forests #cities #ruins #yes #hoursoffun #masters #shilders #quickinterface

(Basically this game has a #maleprotagonist and a #femaleprotagonist. Although you control Jake most of the game (battles not counted), Marrilona is equally as important in the story line).

I tried to do by myself as much as I could but I could not do stuff completely alone.
So some 3rd party stuff is implemented. Please note stuff depicting characters and stuff from the story line are my property, and if a different name shows to their files those people did those pictures for me at my request. Other stuff may be from the CC or the Public Domain. Full license information is provided in the game files.

Well honor to whom honor is due, so click here to see all people either directly or indirectly involved

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal

Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote.

Perhaps you understand why....

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

Voicing the villain... How cool is that?

Downloads for now off-line, due to the upcoming major update


Beethoven meets Tchaikovsky