Comments (12)
Here are the changes.....
They are:
1. the screen resolution is now about 1300 c 700
2. Your character's hair no longer disappears into her neck as she walks.
3. Your character moves quite a bit faster.
4. There is now EPIC music at the end of your journey.
5. Just a few very small changes.
Thank you for your thoughts. Your suggestions are very helpful. As a matter of fact, I will be doing this for my next game. However, I hope this will help you with this game. The shielding is what protect you from the shots. It you are hit, try to get to a safer place until your shield recovers. Now, once you have collected your first power ups, go south, then west as soon as you get to the wall. If you keep moving, it will be more difficult for the enemy to hit you. Staying close to the south most wall worked for me. As you go west, you will see another room. More power ups are inside. Further west beyond that room is the south west most section of the floor. You will find stairs that will take you to where you can get your first spell. Just enter the VERY first archway, then go right. Once you have the spell, go north from that area until you reach a wall, then east. You will reach an opening that you take you to where you can reach the other floors. Lastly, red whirls enable saving, while blue whirls heal you. I wish you luck!
I have ZERO music talent. I use midis that are already made. I use the ones that come with Multimedia Fusion.
Thank you for your comments. About being able to slide while you duck. This is an Multimedia Fusion 2 issue. I have tried to correct this issue in another game with, some success and I thought I had it corrected in this game......
Now, about the sword and spells. There are some enemies that can only be killed by the sword and some enemies that can only be killed by the spells. For example, the red birds can only be killed by the red blot spell. But, the green heads and the other heads can only be killed by the sword. Some, but not all, of the enemies that can only be killed by the sword, including the heads, have protection fields of different strengths. The higher the power level of your sword, the greater strength of the protection fields that you can cut through. Protection fields appear as white circles. Stronger protection field have more rings in them.
The palace has 3 levels. You start on the 1st. First, get the red and blue blot spells. These are found in the underground passageways that are located on the 1st. floor. The stairs to these places are in the southwest corner of the 1st. floor and CLOSE BY the northeast corner of the 1st. floor.
Once, you have both of these blot spells, take the stairs to the 2nd. floor of the palace. This is found CLOSE BY the north middle section of the 1st. floor. Once you are on the 2nd floor, work you way to the southwest corner of this floor. The sword is in this tower. You will need the blot spells that you gain to blast through the barrier that will block your way. GOOD LUCK!
The Shimmering Celestial Orb has been updated!
you can no longer slide while ducking
you can no longer can POWER UP though walls or door, you must also walk over them
POWER UP notices appear when you get POWER UPS
before, if was difficult to tell the difference between the walls and the floors,
now the walls have been changed so that you can tell them apart from the walls;
the wall graphics have undergone major updatesthe ending has been improved, A LOT; it now includes over 3 new major scenes
you will no longer be able to climb stairs just by hitting the stairs with your
the Shimmering Celestial Orb
This is an action RPG that is set in a palace. Your goal is to destroy the object that makes intergalactic space travel possible so that an intergalactic empire will cease to EVER exist. The palace has about a 12 locations. This
game features:
your character having two outfits, you gain the other later on
SIDE and OVERHEAD view game play
large characters
a very nice ending
a lot of challenge
On the top of the screen are indicators. From left to right: your sword power level(displayed as a circle), your spell strength(also displayed as a circle), your life (displayed as candles), and your shield(displayed as blue circles).
These indicators will appear as you gain the items that you can find. Your swords power level indicates how well you can cut through an enemy's protection field. The higher your sword's power level, the stronger the protection field that you can cut through. You will gain the ability to cast spells later on. As you get hit, the candles that indicate your life become unlit. You will die when your are injured beyond your life. Your shield protects from from projectiles. If your are hit by a projectile without a shield, or if all of your shield is gone, you will die. Sword power level, spell strength, and shield all recover over time. Your life does NOT recover over time. Only on walking over a blue swirl will your life be restored.
To load an old game, press <L> during the title screen and you can select your recorded game from the window that appears. To start a new game, press <ENTER> at the title screen. To save your game, walk over a red swirl and you can name your recorded game. You can also determine where you want it to be saved. KEEP THE GAME IN SMALL SCREEN MODE WHEN SAVING AND LOAD, THE SYSTEM ACTS STUPID WILL IT IS IN FULL SCREEN MODE. PRESS <Alt> and <ENTER> TO GO FROM FULL SCREEN MODE AND SMALL SCREEN MODE.
During the OVERHEAD view sections, press(and hold down) the arrow key that points in the direction you want to walk. To climb stairs, just walk into them.
The items that you can find are as follows:
RED BOXES: more life
YELLOW BOXES: more spell strength
BLUE BOXES: more shield
BLACK BALLS: more sword power level
Walk over these to get them.
During the SIDE view section, the controls are as follows:
RIGHT ARROW KEY - walk right
LEFT ARROW KEY - walk left
UP ARROW KEY - get an item that you are over/interact with any object
If you see any stairs or archway, you can climb the stairs or go through the archway by standing over them and press the UP ARROW KEY. If you see ANYTHING usual, walk unto your are OVER IT, then press the UP ARROW key.
If you see any messages, they will disappear over time. When you see the face of your character with the face of yet another character as they speak with each other, press <ENTER> to remove that message and continue. You will learn more as your discover more. PLEASE NOTE: WHEN YOU START, you NOT have the sword. You will need to find it.
Use the walls as cover from enemy fire.
1. Saving your game brings back all of the enemies that your have killed. If you wish to clear an area, avoid saving your game and work your way slowly through an area.
2. Remember where the blue swirls are so that you can go back to them and get healed. Sometimes you will need to kill one enemy at time and retreat to that blue swirl.
3. If you can't get past an enemy that you are unable to defeat, try to find another path around him. This game is HARD, so take your time and try and try again.
4. At the start of the game, going East will take you to a chamber where there are items which will increase your strength. The Southwest section of the floor you start on, has stairs down where you can get your first spell.
If you get stuck on a wall, just press the arrow key that is opposite the wall and you should be unstuck.
Sometime in the SIDE view sections, you can get stuck and not be able to walk if you duck a lot of times in a row. If this happens, just hack your sword, cast a spell, or turn around this will get your unstuck. GOOD LUCK!
ALSO - When you find a barrier in one of the towers that no spell can destroy, you need to destroy the two mechanisms that power it. Press UP when you are over even of them. BUT, SAVING YOUR GAME WILL RESTORE THESE MECHANISMS. THEREFORE - you will need to destroy them both AND walk past where that barrier was to get the item that is there BEFORE saving your game again.