
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Great game, try to beat my highscore :)

Hey, nice game, I have made a video of it at if you want to check it out :)

Good game! Took me a minute to get the hang of it but it's definitely a lot of fun. I thought the customizability of the ship was a cool feature as well. The art is nice too, very clean and easy to see whats going on. Nice entry!

If you have a chance, check out my teams game here:

Cool game, the graphics are quite nice and you have an intresting mechanic!
I just wish I had a larger range range of vision to see the enemies better.
Anyway good job, keep it up!

Hey LaserManiac , it's really a very well polished game, highly entertaining, Cheers!

Wanna check out my entry ? Would love to know what you think !


The Spixel Run (Read the description for how to play)

Version: 1.0.0over 9 years ago



Alright, I don't know if the time will show up , but I uploaded the game 2 minutes before the end :3
It's 6am here and I've been working on it all night...

Note that the game isn't quite as I'd like it to be and I'm probably going to update it and make it better (weapons balance, enemy AI, etc.) when the jam ends :P

To log in with GameJolt, just enter your username and token in the text boxes and press the LOGIN button. Then press the PLAY! button to start the game!

Since I didn't have time to add instructions (lel), the controls and a gameplay explanation follow:
The ship will follow your mouse
W - Move
SHIFT - Move faster (Still need to hold W)
Left Click - Primary Weapon
Right Click - Secondary weapon

You need to defent the space station from the enemies!
The first bar on the bottom of the screen is your health.
The last one is the space station's health.

The middle bar is your secondary weapon cooldown.

You will also probably notice the numbers on the screen.
The red one marks the distance and direction of the nearest enemy.
The orange one marks the distance and direction of the space station.

On the start screen, press the Primary/Secondary/Engine buttons to customize your ship!
Read the descriptions of the ship components and choose your playstyle!
But choose wisely!
It's worth experimenting for a bit to see what each weapon does!

DISCLAIMER: You're probably gonna die A LOT for the first few minutes! :P
Don't get discouraged, you'll get used to it in no time! :)

Also HINTZ: Enemies have the AI set so that if you go away from them or they can't see you, they will go on their marry way, continuing the destruction of the station.
If you're stuck with one on your tail, try slowing down and letting it pass you and then hunt it down! :)
P.S. If they're not on your tail, the enemies are circling around the same points on the station, attacking it.

Also, ESC ends the game...

Fantasy Violence

It's done!

Finally, after hours of hard work, itโ€™s done!
Not quite as I would like it to be, though, due to lack of time.

I shall tweak the enemy AI and balance the weapons some more, and upload a new version once the jam is over!