
The header and thumbnail is from SuperTux. The header is icecliffs-middle.png and the thumbnail is semi_arctic.jpg
This is a mod of SuperTux that has Icy Island (although with the levels replaced with new ones) and some new worlds (each world has a mininum of 10 levels, kinda similar to how mario games have a small amount of levels per world)
The levels are/will be more NSMB-like (running and jumping from the left to the right)
The graphics are 0.6.3 (because why not) but this uses a nightly build in between 0.6.3 and 0.7.0 (basically just 0.7.0 with not as many features and stuff if you really think about it)
There are/will be some new mechanics, with the main one being a thing that's like the star coins in NSMB but there will be 5 of them in each level.
So far, some of the worlds planned are:
Icy Island (obviously) (the main mechanic here is just slippery ice)
Giant Sewers (you know what sewers are) (the main mechanic here is toxic water)
Poisonous Desert (basically a desert with poison, kinda like new super mario bros u's soda jungle except it's a desert) (the main mechanic here is... well, it's obvious. poison)
#platformer #mod #supertux #anothertux #tux
a "balanced universe" will exist soon after this mod