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The Last Soldier Standing BETA - V1.1.1
Third version of the game.
The Last Soldier Standing Christmas version 1.1.2
This is the quarter version of the game called "Christmas version" published on 22/12/2017.
This game is available in: #Spanish and #english. More lenguages coming soon!
The last soldier standing
Game summary:
It is based mainly on the life of an American soldier, who after having entered, 3 days later occurs an incident that triggers an epidemic of zombies and is gradually putting an end to humanity, now its goal is to find out how to end the threat before it's too late.
Depending on the game mode you want to play, this will change.
For example:
-History mode:
-Right click to continue the history
-Keys (up, down, right and left) To move your character (In mision)
-Right click to shoot (In mision)
-Left click to throw (In mision)
-Press "C" to hit (In mision)
-Survival mode:
-We are working on this. Keep support us sharing the game!
Multiplayer mode:
-Coming soon!
in the year 3548, the army has achieved a great number of advances in its field, but this, has been achieved by a man ... Rather ... A scientist.
This scientist, hired by the United States Army, works for them and creates new weapons every year, mortiferous weapons capable of destroying an entire nation
But... what would happen if some experiment of this scientist went wrong?
The scientist, wanted to create a weapon that would revolutionize our race, the scientist had in mind to make a potion that would revive the dead
he was criticized by the world, but thought he was able to perform this experiment, after making the most deadly and devastating weapon ever created
He took 5 years to perform this experiment, together with his assistant, believed that they had successfully succeeded.
At that time, the scientist worked in a military base, he carried out the experiments in his laboratory with his assistant.
The scientist, performed the first test with one of the military of that military base.
But ... The experiment failed. The scientist, when using the potion in that soldier, I release a virus called "XMT-38"
This virus converts humans or living beings into beasts with blood thirst, capable of evolving more and more, and more, and become unstoppable.
This beast, famously known as "Zombie", infected the assistant scientist. The scientist, being trapped by the zombies, called out to the military. the beasts, infected the military and multiplied little by little ...
The scientist, I escaped intact. but the military base was destroyed and infected by these beasts.
Now, your duty is to destroy the epidemic and find some way to save mankind from these beasts, before it's too late!
The scientist says he saw something strange in the first test ... or rather, the first military soldier who was given the potion. He says he looked weird, weird, creepy ... and he did not look like the other zombies...
Watch the trailer here:
Why should I play tlss?
Game features:
We celebrate the holidays with events! (Well, we currently do this)
-Many zombies everywhere!
-Secret, Easter eggs and mysteries to solve!
-A boss ... and something else?
-A military man who is willing to risk his life to find a cure for the epidemic!
-A smart scientist, cunning but cowardly!
-A general who likes to give orders!
-Many military!
Many weapons!
We are Currently working on a version for portable devices!
-Many scenarios!
-An amazing and catchy story that keeps you stuck to your computer!
-Discover the secrets of the game! ... Who is he?
-An entity, which at the same time is a virus reincarnated in the body of an army soldier! (confusing, right?)
-Missions, scenes and others!
Final battle with the boss!
Subliminal messages everywhere!
-It's 3rd person!
Sad stories everywhere!
-You can play and at the same time know the history of the game!
-It's free!
And more! Try it now!
-----------------------------------Now, in spanish:------------------------------------
Resumen del juego:
Este juego se basa principalmente en la vida de un soldado estadounidense, que después de haber entrado al ejercito de los estados unidos, 3 días después se produce un incidente que desencadena una epidemia de zombies y está poniendo en peligro la humanidad, ¡ahora su objetivo es averiguar cómo poner fin a la amenaza Antes de que sea demasiado tarde!
Dependiendo del modo de juego que desee jugar, esto cambiará.
Por ejemplo:
-Modo de historia:
-Haz clic derecho para continuar con la historia
-Teclas (arriba, abajo, derecha e izquierda) Para mover su personaje (En mision)
-Click derecho para disparar (En mision)
-Click izquierdo para lanzar (En mision)
-Presione "C" para golpear (En mision)
-Modo de supervivencia:
-Estamos trabajando en esto. ¡Apoyanos compartiendo el juego!
Modo multijugador:
en el año 3548, El ejercito ah logrado un gran numero de avances en su materia, pero esto, ha sido logrado por un hombre... Mejor dicho... Un científico.
Este científico, contratado por el gobierno de los estados unidos, trabaja para ellos y crea armamentos nuevos cada año, armas mortíferas, capaces de destruir una nación entera
Pero... ¿que pasaría si algún experimento de este científico saliera mal?
El científico, quería crear un arma que revolucionaria a nuestra raza, el científico tenia en mente hacer una poción que reviviría a los muertos.
Este fue criticado por el mundo, pero el pensaba que era capaz de realizar este experimento, luego de realizar el arma mas mortífera y devastadora jamas creada.
El se demoro 5 años para realizar este experimento, junto a su asistente, creyeron que habían logrado realizarlo con éxito.
En aquel entonces, el cientifico trabajaba en una base militar, junto a su laboratorio, el realizaba los experimentos...
El cientifico, Realizo la primera prueba con uno de los militares de esa base militar.
Pero... El experimento fracaso. El cientifico, al usar la pocion en aquel soldado, libero un virus llamado "XMT-38"
Este virus, convierte a los humanos o seres vivientes en bestias con sed de sangre, capaces de evolucionar cada vez mas, y mas, y volverse imparables.
Esta bestia, conocida famosamente como "Zombie", infecto al asistente del cientifico. El cientifico, al verse atrapado por los zombies, llamo a militares que estaban afuera. las bestias, infectaron a los militares y fueron multiplicandose poco a poco...
El cientifico, escapo intacto. pero la base militar fue destruida y infectada por estas bestias.
Ahora, su deber es destruir la epidemia y encontrar una manera de salvar a la humanidad de estas bestias, antes de que sea demasiado tarde!
El científico dice que vio algo extraño en el primer infectado ... o mejor dicho, el primer soldado militar al que se le dio la poción. Dice que se veía raro,
espeluznante ... y no se parecía a los otros zombies ...
¡Salva el mundo!
Mira el trailer aqui:
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Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language