Comments (8)
I added your devlog as a featured one. So now your posts will show up in the main devlogs section! Cheers!
Awwwww it's look cool:333
Выглядит круто! Удачи, Ромсон!
Я только ради этой игры здесь и зарегистрировалась! Удачи с проектом!!
ToothBound is JRPG, which takes place mostly in a modern world. It's quirky, silly, and weird.
Year: 201X
Protagonist: Straight, white, male, stubble, early 20s. But He'll Change!
Synopsis: see below.
custom hand-made pixel graphics
classic turn-based battles
dark humor and a bit of surrealism
improbable weapon use (sport shop and hardware store are your friends)
nonstandard skill learning
a little bit of magic (or Psychokinesis)
street fights with drunk cops and drug addicted unicorns
power-up food
approx. two dozen potential teammates with unique skills and emotional baggage
"all in a row" (party follows main character)
soundtrack dissonance
The Wonderland
zombie apocalypse
Amazing Technicolor Battlefields (aka "Lava lamp").

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor