Comments (7)
I love it. And the description just makes the game. You should put this on smartphones or something it'd probably work okay on there.
Really unique little game! I included it in part 4 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/2wgzNIcAaAw

The tank's animations are almost orgasmic, they're so polished and feel so flowy. For the gameplay, simple and great, the mechanics are really well done and it is challenging but not to the point of rage.
Overall, really well done! :)
Highscore: 1341
You've obviously put a lot of thought into how the tank is controlled and how the movement works. The caterpillar track movement and animation seems quite polished, the aftertrail is a nice touch too. The balancing act with your own shots and being able to use the charged shots to get across canyons adds a nice layer of depth to the simplicity.
How the cannon smooshes into the tank when you move up to a wall is cute, too.
Feels good, man. Well done.
The controls are responsive and the platforming is very good. Altogether fun and challenging without unnecessary frustration.