
Comments (265)

What do you think?

I love it, it just needs a 1v4 mode and then it'll be perfect

this is a very awesome game I really liked it but please update a new version and add these things to

  1. New style of opening the door add a new style of opening the door like opening from our hands not like just standing to far and pressed E it opened do a option from opening from our hands.

  2. Make the survivor move fast .
    3.And make Jason run slower
    4.Do a option of peek from doors or anywhere
    5.Do a 4vs1 4 survivors and 1 Jason
    Hope these help

it was a great game but it need some updates to be beter . i think if do this works you'r game will be awsome
1-make jason walk slower and make man character faster
2- make some animations for doors or for pick up the pages
3-change the music of menu
4-make more maps
5-servers place are too low if we can play with 4 players it will be great
thank you for you'r game :)

Hey there REDBird!

It's awesome you guys made a new game again! Which game inspired this one? You guys did a great job setting up the area where the killer and survivor will bet set at. I know this is pretty much an alpha build but still, good job in making a multiplayer slasher game. The animation still needs more work though, since the killer moves like a tree (other than the very heavy footsteps that booms all across the house). We kinda ran into a bug where the person was still alive but they can still move. It didn't affect the gameplay at all in a way since the killer can still kill the survivor even in that state.

Nafir already told me that it was Meheraj and Red Key that teamed up to create this. BTW Hi Meheraj if you are reading this... Great job with the teamwork guys. Hopefully your team-up will be successful and we wish to see more from you guys in the future. Yes... as much as the number of pianos in this game.

Anyways, for those of you who wanna see our gameplay or maybe just wanna click on something... here you go!


TotalMazeā„¢ : Survival | Online | First Person

Version: 0.4.0over 8 years ago
Early Access 0.5

#TotalMazeā„¢ : Survival
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It was made in 24 hours so lemme know if you find any bugs!

A First person 1v1 survival game where you can either play as "Killer" or the so called "Survivor". The Survivor is tasked to collect 6 pages through out a maze and find end zone before Killer kills him or the time runs out. By the way, the maze is procedurally generated (i.e. evrytime different) . On the other The "Killer" is tasked to to kill the "Survivor" before time runs out.In both senarios the perspective of vision/speed/agility changes. When the match starts off , both players are set randomly.After each round the players swap roles.After Two rounds the best one to win more than once wins.

Two Ways to Play
Play with Friends or Play with strangers
Either you can join the game directly by clicking on "Join Random Room" which triggers a matchmaking and you are set.The other is clicking on "Server Browser" where you get to choose the match you want to join.Specially when you want to play with your friend only.Or simply create your own room.

WASD - Movement
L-Shift - Run
RMB - Flashlight
LMB - Attack
E - Interact

What makes it different from other maze games?
This game is a multiplayer game.So there you go a massive feature in the begining but wait there is more, the maze is procedurally generated each match!.Each match the players are spawned randomly away from each other.Also the "Pages" that the Survivor has to collect are procedurally placed in the maze.This makes each play through different than the last one.

Why Early Access?
We have a load full of features planned for the game.Implementing all the features can take a serious amount of time.So by playing the early access you are financially helping us stay alive while we make the game.All Support is appreciated! :)

Why not upload it on Steam?
We would have , but cannot do so as we don't have the financial build up to upload it to steam, Its through your support that we can greenlight this game on Steam.

Current Features and Planned Features?
Currently the game consists of only the normal game mode , "1v1" , but we have plans on adding more.We have planned to add the followings soon;
Gamejolt API
Competitive mode
Character Selection
Character Stats
"4v1" Mode
Different variety of maps

About us?
We are 2 people working on this game, I am Meheraj Maruf(LAI MASSIVE) and I am the gameplay engineer for this game.And meet Kaushal Damania(RedKay) the genius working behind the Programming.If it wasn't for him, this game wouldn't have been a thing! We both are doing school, and in our free time we work in this game together.Kaushal and I are distant away.He lives in India , I live in Bangladesh. We never had a face to face meet up and yet I trust this guy more than my day to day friends.Yet everyday I would wake up and tell him if I thought of a new idea, but most ideas he didn't like or didn't want to make.This idea was however special!We both agreed to work on this game under the same conditions.Thus "TotalMaze" was born.

#Multiplayer #1V1 #Horror

Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference

We need your help!

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Quick sneek-peek at our maze generation algorithm!


We're back! | Development Livestreams.

Check out this cool game made by our programmer RED_KAY!

TotalMazeā„¢ : Survival (vr.0.6.0) coming soon!