Trap the Cat
Immerse yourself in "Trap the Cat," a web-based game that offers a mix of strategy and puzzle-solving excitement! Your goal is to prevent a clever cat from finding its way out of a hexagon maze. Experience the game in two distinct modes:
Classic Mode: Hone your skills across three levels of difficulty.
Story Mode: Embark on a journey through various levels and episodes, each with unique challenges. Utilize strategic boosters like scatter blocker and shuffle to enhance your gameplay.
Recent Updates:
Introduction of an all-new Story Mode, complete with improved graphics and captivating episodes.
Inclusion of a replay feature, in-depth analytics, and a feedback form for continuous improvement.
Looking Ahead: The focus is now on fostering a strong community and listening to your insights. Get involved on platforms like Reddit and Discord and share your experiences with "Trap the Cat"!
Play "Trap the Cat" now – a pure gaming experience with no interruptions. Strategy, puzzles, and a mischievous cat await you!
Now also available on Android! Get it on your device and play on the go - Download from Google Play.
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Discord: Join our server for chat, tips, and updates.
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TikTok: Check out our TikTok for fun content.
Twitter: Follow my personal account @orestis_z for insights and news.