
Comments (38)

What do you think?

i was planning on doing something like this, well done bro, definitely going to play it!

No, still not working rive

If you are developing the game on Windows 8 and exproting it ONLY windows 8 then do both export for WINDOWS and WINDOWS 8 Cuz WINODWS 8 and WINDOWS 7 aren't the same!

Will there ba multiplayer mode?

this is great! you can roast ghepards!!!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

  • Open-world island to explore

  • Randomly-generated terrain

  • Tool crafting

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence


Jaguars, Pigs, Path Finding and MoRe!

New Update

UPDATE #29: Fixes and Enemies

Several crash fixes have been implemented in the latest release. Also, the floating skull enemy has been added to the map. It is there temporarily just for fun! -VortexVoid

UPDATE #28: The Game is Back!