Comments (7,986)
For those who think this game is super low-quality, give Kamil a break, alright?
This game has a whopping 500+ CHARACTERS, which is a lot. Giving them all animated jumpscares and high-quality renders would make the game go way past the limits of Clickteam.
I didn't realize this comment was pinned lol, I'm gonna edit it so people stop telling me that the game has more then 100 characters lol I already know this;
This game does has some visual downfalls / glitches as well as mechanic irregularities that I'm sure will get fixed eventually, other then that this game is fun as hell. I've been enjoying it at least.
The CHAOS is what this games really all about, that's why I don't mind the jump scares being one frame, because the chaos and challenge is definitely what matters, and it's been done amazingly, all max mode wasn't designed to be possible in the slightest.
Can you guys stop asking for mobile port of Ultra Custom Night because it's getting really annoying because Ultra Custom Night android WON'T BE RELEASE
Press like if you agree with me
So many people are butt hurt about this troll while I'm over here laughing my ass off about it. The troll game was actually fun ngl.
Ultra Custom Night
Ultra Custom Network
The Online Network Add-On to "join" other people's nights!
Ultra Custom Night Classic
The original 1.0.0 version of the game, with 100 characters.
Ultra Custom Prerelease
A pack of prerelease versions of the game, showing a bit of history on how it came to be!
Doofas 3 Android
Android port of the Doofas 3 minigame
Game Soundtrack
01. The Unopened Door
- 1.01. The Unopened Door
- 2.02. Breaking News
- 3.03. Whistling Woodlands
- 4.04. Y0UR FUN3RAL!
- 5.05. Y0UR FUN3RAL- BETA
- 6.06. On The Brink
- 7.07. Toreador Traipse
- 8.08. Haven Turned Hell
- 9.09. Vine Time
- 10.10. Monkey Madness
- 11.11. Boscage Labyrinth
- 12.12. Y0UR FUN3RAL- GAMMA
- 13.13. Pennies and Dimes
- 14.14. A Familiar Chill
- 15.15. Our Frozen Town
- 16.16. Slightly Fearful Fighter
- 17.17. Mission Failed
- 18.18. Conceptual Finale
- 19.19. Lonely House
- 20.20. fight toy freddy.
- 22.22. Y0UR FUN3RAL- DELTA
- 23.23. Sixth Visitor!
- 24.24. You’ll Get It Eventually
- 25.25. Your Friend Bonnie
- 26.26. A Bleaker Paradise
- 27.27. Ooh
- 28.28. Sweet Deals
- 30.30. The Part Where CHAOS Dreadbear Explains How He’s Going To Kill You
- 31.31. The Part Where CHAOS Dreadbear Tries To Kill You
- 32.32. The Final Room
- 33.33. The Man Behind The Ambush
- 34.34. You Did It!
- 35.35. TRUE END
- 36.36. Sweet Shop
- 37.37. Sweet Basement
- 38.38. Sweet Dreams
- 39.39. Sweet Revenge
- 40.40. Give Up!
- 41.41. Comedic Conflict
- 42.42. REMNANT
- 43.43. Song That Might Play When You Fight Springtrap Newspaper
- 44.44. Dark Outside
- 45.45. Chill Camping
- 46.46. Dear Heavens
- 47.47. Almost Cooked
- 48.48. Grilled
- 49.49. Aquarium
- 50.50. Monster Aquarium
- 51.51. Vs. Death Snowman
- 52.52. Melted (Actually)
- 53.53. Melted (Not Actually)
- 54.54. Chaos Clash
- 55.55. Chaos Rules
- 56.56. Jumpscare Encounter
- 57.57. Shamrock Showdown
- 59.59. Last Breath
- 60.60. Haven Restored
- 61.61. Another Bear’s Treasure
- 62.62. Secret
- 63.63. Wicked Fantastic Crazy Shadow Cupcake Anthem
- 64.64. Horror Evil Torment
- 65.65. Epic Dance Music
- 66.66. Epicer Dance Music
- 67.67. FiveNightsEminemPlus.mfa
- 68.68. Extra! Extra! (by rawkit)
- 69.Punching Bag 2 (Trailer 3 Theme)
- 70.Hindsight (Presentation Theme)

An 837-character roster, with characters from all over the FNaF franchise, including the main series of games, spin-offs, merchandise, the Fanverse Initiative and many more, each character able to be customized in AI difficulty between 0 and 20, there are nearly endless possibilities for your own Custom Nights! Now featuring a full ~3+ hour long campaign mode!
Stay in the office, close doors, check the vents, wind the music box, collect Faz-Coins, use the Power Generator, Heater, Power A/C, watch the cameras on eight unique floors, check the vent radar, the air ducts, the light system, the GPS system, complete tasks and much, much more!

-The Hero
-Gumball Swivelhands
Voice Acting:
-"Bad Coffee Time" Guy
-Ken the Anthro Artist
Campaign Mode Betatesting:
Campaign Mode Emotional Support:
Alexis, AndyPurro, Arayaentertainment, Blackiiefimose, Blazave, BlueFlytrap, CallMeDante, CharlieTsun, CircusRama, CoolioArt, CoZyYT, DaMikel, EndyArts, enyel14art, etti, Everything Animations, FriskYT, GaboCoArt, GamesProduction, Geta1999, Ham, HipLawyerCat26, hisanimations, Holopaxume, I6NIS, jaiden, Jorjimodels, Justin Moon, LetTric, lettuce-boi, Lord-Kaine, Luckyrabbit31, Luizcraft, Lukasz, Kaylimity, Matax33, Maxoor, Mistberg, MLSpence, MonteMedistic, Nathan_zica, Oplexitie, PizzaV144, rawkit, RazvanAndrei123, RickSFM, Sab, Scrappyboi, SnakeyArt, soulkraker, Spade, Spinofan, Splinks, SupSorgi, Tangoteds, Team VR, Thudner, Timemaster99, TitaniumSpyborgBear, TLBP, Toaster Bath Bombs, ToshiTNE, Vy, xXLuiz04742Xx, YinyangGio1987, Yosho-DA, Yumochii-R
"Bad Coffee Time" Guy, Asgore Dreemurr, Barack Obama 2, Brooklyn Satan, Burned Down Davezhax, CharlieTsun, Chimin395, CircusRama, DullVanessa, Draceau, EdgyRobotnik, Eeveeon Gamer, etti, Frankburt/lockjaw gamer, FreddleFrooby, FutureOU, Hallmark the BB thief, Ham, Italian m80/Toon!, JaydenOver9000, Joke, Kane Carter, Kirsty, Ken the Anthro Artist, MLSpence, MMMRRREEEOOOWWW, Marsh, Master_64, Mattendo, Mighty Eagle, Mutant, Nard, Ozzy-Lot, Penrose, rawkit, Robinspook, Sassafrass, Scrappyboi, shrki, Smear, SoullessFusion, SpringPopo, SilverSpringing, Sundex, SuperMarioJustin, The Eggplanto, ThistL, Watch-The-Skies, Xorel, Xx_PRANKMASTER_xX, coconut, rp1, yendo gameing, Тролль Лицо
-@nekoiroiro on Twitter - stray cat pictures
-Nam Elprup - For making Five Nights at Freddy's Pocket Horror
-witheredBBfilms- For making the assets used in the Pocket Horror office
-FreddleFrooby - For making the Awakened Totem Panic design
-SuperMarioJustin - For making the Another Day Fredbear design
-Peterwayne32 - For making the Funtime Lefty design
-PlushtrapDev - For making the Withered Trash and the Gang design
-Undead_Army1987 and the Fazbear Tycoon Team - For creating Fazbear Tycoon and its characters
-Mixlas - For creating Tyke and Sons Lumber Co. and its characters
-Toby Fox - For creating UNDERTALE, its characters, sprites and music

#fnaf #fangame #horror #arcade #strategy #pointnclick #survival
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language