
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Finally! The Farmergnome Game Jolt library is growing =] This is a great arena shooter with an awesome minimalist aesthetic.

Very well made game! I've remembered it since 26-th LD.
Is there something new? Or this is just original LD build?

second best game jolt game i played! (Right after the joy of creation reborn)

I loved your game but how it does to enter the Hardcore Mode?

Super fun game to play with friends!


Undercolor Agents

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

This game was made by me for Ludum Dare 26 in 48 hours, the theme was minimalism. Hope you guys like it! Original competition thread here:

Keyboard controls are rebindable below each characters head, simply click the key. Joypad support -should- work but no promises, I kind of ran out of time at that point.


Undercolor Agents is an arena shooter about an elite group of super secret Agents, dealing with a Hue invasion that is going to threaten their little desaturated world. They remove unauthorized colors with force, extreme force.


The game can be played up to 8 players, you each control a colored agent who is strong against enemies of his own color (agent red destroys red enemies easily for example) - you must cleanse the hue infection spreading across town and destroy the pylons that act as portals for the colored undesirables. Agents away!


When playing with 2 or more players and one gets hit by the enemies, you can "save" him by shooting the enemy off him, making multiplayer games a little easier, though I have included a hardcore difficulty mode if you manage to finish it easily. CONTROLS

Each characters controls can be customized on the main menu by clicking the text across his portrait, if a key is not being used it will have "unused" as the binding. The keys are as follows as they appear in game:

			UP - up movement   
DOWN - down movement   
LEFT - left movement   
RIGHT - right movement   
SHOOT - shoots current weapon   
WEAPON SWAP - cycles to next available weapon   

F2 will restart the game.   

ALT + ENTER will go fullscreen 


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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