Comments (48)
Me encanta este juego.. es difícil y te reta a que lo pruebes varias veces y veas de tus errores (esa es la gracia del juego).. no llegue muy lejos.. debido a que este juego requiere de tiempo, estudiar que hace cada virus y sus ataques y patrones,nos hace pensar que ese tipo descargaba muchas cosas raras y el pobre antivirus tenia que pelear por eso xD.. Se puede guardar partida?¿
Bueno, sin mas rodeos 4/5
This game's lovely c:
There's the tiniest bug of coins getting stuck in corners. They're still collectable after landing a jump.
Or..I'll buy the magnet~
Love the game style and drawing!
why do they all have to be girls.
Pretty good game. Took me a long while to defeat all the bosses.
I want to address two things which may be bugs.
Once you purchase the Technic upgrade for the first time, you start at two hearts when you fight the first boss, Hello Cat, regardless of how many health upgrades you purchased. Defeating it however, gives the correct amount of health. Overall not a game-breaking issue, since Hello Cat is ridiculously easy.
After you defeat Jerusalem for the first time and after getting the final victory message, I had to fight it again. Luckily I won even the second time, and then got sent to the title screen, as expected.
Had a lot of fun figuring out each boss' pattern, and personally I found them all pretty fair, except for the last boss, although that may be because I didn't get the chance to get used to its patterns; for example I was unable to find a way to get through the purple bullet barrage without losing health.
iiiv setup when I beat the game: full upgraded sniper, full magnet, full crit, level 2 health and level 1 Technic.
Old school style pixel art!
Awesome New Action Shooting game!!
"My name is iiiv (eve). Virus is detected in your smart phone.Let's clean them!!"
Created with future technology "human type anti virus, iiiv" Let's clean with a virus!
Key information
move = left, right arrow key
Jump, select = Z
dubble Jump & special attack = Z + Z
menu, cancel = X
toggle window, full screen mode = ALT + enter
windows version support the game pad
Available on google play!!
Mild Cartoon Violence