
vElOcItY webgl
A game about ULTIMATE mayhem and RAGE!!!
It is 2099. You are a intergalactic soldier who has crash-landed on planet Geome. Quickly, you discover that its inhabitants are very hostile towards homonoids. To defend yourself, you only have a shield...........that shoots? HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...................................................................Your average top-down shooter, right? You have your mouse to aim(not really), and your controls are all here.......Just kidding! You have NONE of that!! YAY! NOT!(well, some of it is still there) You have only a gun/shield(yes, a slash) that rotates around you in a "loose orbit"(speed is determined by distance). You can still shoot normally(YAY!) and you can move(duh). Also I forgot to tell you something: you can......................(dramatic pause).......................rotate you gun/shield(again, a slash) left or right! How NEAT is that!?!?(eh, not at all) So, apart from that no controls! FUN! so prepare for MAXIMUM vElOcItY!
up down left right: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT arrow keys
shoot: r
rotate clockwise: hold down e
teleport shield to self: f
NOTES: gun/shield can block some things and can affect some enemies.
there are 3 (actually 4) types of enemies. Equally difficult:
Follower (not Instagram; couldn't think of anything else):
-this tri-sided evil will chase you 'till you're dead; and just when you think you got away, you're wrong
Warden (not a nice one):
-a square who raises children (if they were evil)
-hard to make it leave you alone
-will take of you after death
Children/Drones/Minions (Annoying)
-are taken care of by the Warden
-persistent when it comes to killing you!
-can be swatted away
-loves the solar system (if you were the sun)
-can change his mind when touched
-slow but fast
give feedback on possible improvements
link to unity play: https://play.unity.com/mg/other/my-new-microgame-7809
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/59oanixss-4

#strategy #shooter #scifi #survival
potential dizziness