
Comments (47)

What do you think?

I really think your team did a good job at capturing the monotony and self depricative nature of depression in this game. It was an experience far too haunting for my liking as it reminded me a bit of some of the struggles in my life and the lives of some of those close to me. The graphics and concepts used were fantastic and so was the voice acting. Honestly, congratulations on making this and I hope that it gets more attention so that more people can understand what depression is really all about!

This was a really well made and nice game. The graphics and art style fit the world and the mood being set perfectly. The music and writing is well done, and surprisingly this game has voice acting (although it's in French and I can't understand it) which is surprising for most indie game. I love these games where you can see that a group of developers come together in an effort to bring awarness to a problem that a lot of people suffer with. Not only is this a nice game but it also gives people an idea of what it might be like for those that suffer with depression on a day to day bases. And yes everyone deals with it differently, but this game does a great job at giving you an idea of what it might be like in a way that I feel is better explained than with words. I like this game and the message it delivers, I also did a video on my experiance with the game if anyone is interested.


I think I learned something going through this experiance. The feeling of the endless cycle, of no going back and lack of color all added to Wasted. I really think that everyone who has the opertunity should take twenty minutes go through Wasted. Maybe people would be more understanding to how debilitating depression can be.

I did a video for my YouTube channel.


Thanks for making Wasted.

W, a, s and d keys we're not working and it was not my keyboard's fault, but aside of that, this game is really accurate, it leaved me speechless, good job.



Version: 2.0.0about 9 years ago
Wasted Classic Version


Version: 1.0.0about 9 years ago
Wasted - Oculus Rift DK 2 - Version


Wasted is an interactive narrative experience to immerse the player in the heart of depression disorder.

Wasted tells a piece of life of a depressed person following him in his daily life. His place of life becomes a reflection of his mental and emotional state.

The experience does not aim to provide a fun form of pleasure. Placing the player in the mind of a depressive, it is primarily a sensory and subjective diving in the illness.

To better recreate the vicious circle in which the depressed person is, time unfolds through a series of cycles representing his days. The player can only then go around in circles in his apartment until the end...

Please note you can change the configuration of the game in the option menu. You'll be able to put the game in English, activate subtitles or move to QWERTY layout if you're not playing with a gamepad. We highly recommend playing with headphones for a better immersion.

Don't hesitate to give us feedback !

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Emilie Breslavetz - Game Designer
Guillaume Dor - Developer
Rémi Fusade - Game Designer
Benjamin Rigotti - Graphic Artist
Alexandre Schnepf - Sound Designer
Tony Salamon - Additional Help


Augustin Jacob - The Voice
Danièle Rezzi - The Mother
Sarah Cotten - The Sister
Xavier Clion - The Friend
Isabelle Saudubray - Radio Presenter
Yaël Rauzada - Voiceover Radio
Bruno Amiet - TV Journalist
Thomas Sila - TV Presenter
Geoffrey Lopez - Next Door Neighbor
Charlotte Gachon - Next Door Neighbor

Special Thanks

Timothée Sonnier
Victoria Guillon
Emilie Pierson Duval


Mild Realistic Violence

Wasted at Game Access '16 !

We’ll be presenting Wasted at Game Access 2016 on April 2016 in Brno in Czech Republic !
Come to see us if you’re on the area !

Wasted entering GJfest contest !