
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Interesting. Liked the graphic style, and took a bit to figure out (I figured it out during the fourth weakling and then left one weakling to escape alone on the fifth weakling). Seem a bit bare bones and maybe lasting a bit longer than it should for lack of throw-up in the formula, though.

Lovely graphics, wasn't sure how to use the moths to kill the spider. I included it in my Asylum Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out.


I know this may be a dumb question, but could you release a windows version? I can't run web-games due to some weird bug I keep experiencing.

Sounds scary, I'd love to play this :D



Version: 0.2.0over 9 years ago

This game was originally made in a short time for Asylum Jam 2015.

Auntie has an appetite for weaklings. It is good to become part of Auntie.
Don't let Auntie catch you.

How to play

  • LMB = interact (swipe moths off the walls)

  • RMB = stop/start weakling movement

  • F = toggle fullscreen

If you have moths, weak spots will appear on Auntie. You can slow her down if you clear the appearing dots clockwise while staying inside the circle (hold LMB down).

Audio by Gheist!!!

#asylumjam2015 #horror

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Voting is over, have a new version

Past, present and future of a weakling


Don’t let Auntie catch you! Maybe there is a way to slow her down…

Weaklings build is up!

Auntie is looking for you now! Really. Go play it :)

Auntie is looking for you.

Don’t let Auntie catch you.