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l love kaiju
We the Kaiju
Note: We the Kaiju was developed in approximately 16 hours per participant over one week as part of Akupara Games' internal game jam for 2021.
In a world where corporations reign supreme, who will stand for the people? CEOs act with impunity, leveraging their obscene riches to squander the Earth's natural resources as they push the environment to a breaking point. Toxic sludge fills the ocean's depths, wreaking untold havoc on the ecosystem. The people choke on smog-filled air, braving a hellish landscape roiling with natural disasters just to make it to work while the Executive Class lives a life of luxury inside great temperature-controlled domes.
But one day, out of the depths of the boiling oceans rises KING KUPARA, a Kaiju for the people. Take control of KING KUPARA and take vengeance upon the world's uncaring corporate masters using kicks, slashes, and fire breath!
Use your might as a Kaiju to defeat waves of enemies.
Free the people from oppression in glorious 2D sidescrolling action.
Climb buildings, stomp enemies, and SMASH THE CORPORATOCRACY!!
#2D #action #arcade #beatemup #brawler #cyberpunk #highscore #kaiju #monsters #singleplayer