
​Can you defend Winterfell better than Game of Thrones screenwriters could?
**due to the surpising positive reception of this little game I'm making a full game made with this system, thank you!**
Tonight's the night!
The undead army is at your doorstep, only your castle walls stand in its way to total domination.
Withstand the siege and survive until dawn! Winter Falling castle cannot fall.
Survival will require sacrifice...
​​Build trenches and set them on fire when needed.
Place units in strategic locations to create chokepoints.
Give orders to boost morale and crush the incoming undead.
Discuss your strategies on discord - https://discord.gg/2JRjkku​
A well-trained eye might spot many and many references to the Game of Thrones series.
This is my little homage to their Winterfell battle. I'd like to give you a chance to command a better defense than the show had.