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World War III v1.52
Game Information
Category: RTS (Real Time Strategy), Strategy
File Size: approx. 5MB (EXE)
GM Version: GM 8.1 std (GM:Studio soon)
Fullscreen: Yes by default. Also highly recommanded.
Changes Screen Resolution: No
Background story (not yet integrated)
2043: With a decreasing US population and an increasing Chinese export and economy, the Chinese government decided to write a computervirus disabling all US military computersystems; as an US-commander your task is to conqueror back all US resources and beat the computervirus by using smart strategic insight and operational excellence.
Often overlooked functions / Hidden functions
Hold [SHIFT] to select multiple units without deselecting previous units
Double-click a unit to select all units of the same type (e.g. all Tanks)
Use CTRL + 1-9 to make a group; CTRL + 0 to remove group; 1-9 to select a group;
Double click a number 1-9 to select and relocate view to group
Left click a menu button to go forth; right click to go back
You can zoom in/out with your mouse scroll or with the two big - and + buttons at the top
Custom resolution in windowed mode: click SHIFT in de menu after selecting windowed mode
Gameplay Structure
Workrate: affacts the following characteristics by 25%:
fabricationtime for factories
units schootspeed
units shootrange
units movespeed
Workrate can have any value between 0% and 200%;
Cities increase workrate by 25%, factories decrease workrate by 25%;
Example1: workrate 0% means -25% of each of above characteristics;
Example2: workrate 150% means +12.5% of each of above characteristics;
4 Types of Units:
Aircrafts: Can attack&repair buildings; can attack Tanks and Bombers;
Tanks: Can attack&repair buildings; can attack Anti-Aircrafts and Bombers;
Anti-Aircrafts: Can only repair buildings; can attack Aircrafts
Bomber: When exploding damages all nearby buildings and units except Aircrafts;
6 Types of Buildings:
Base: the main building that should be protected; game ends when it is destroyed
City: increases workrate by 25%
Tank Factory: decreases workrate by 25%; creates Tanks
Aircraft Factory: decreases workrate by 25%; creates Aircrafts
Anti-Aircraft Factory: decreases workrate by 25%; creates Anti-Aircrafts
Bomber Factory: decreases workrate by 25%; creates Bombers
Units Bonus:
Tanks: +50% damage against buildings
Aircrafts: flies over hills
Anti-Aircrafts: +50% damage against Aircrafts
Bombers: inflicts high damage; can also damage it's own units