
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Hes not the only one you have to Defeat there is A Security Owl
in a other Cave and A Iron Guy Named Chipper's Revenge
Ive you Beat those 3 go Back to Bowsnr Castle
You can enter that now! Good luck!

You mean the Puppet Master?

Having fun with your game but I'm stuck. What do I do after I beat the freddy doll in chapter 2? I looked everywhere and I can't seem to trigger any new events.

The area to the right of the first outdoor area (the area where you fight Luggy) has a glitch. When I enter it I get stuck in the wall towards the bottom as soon as I enter the area. Hope you'll fix it.

BTW Delete the Save Files and do not Play with the Save Files!
Ive you Just do New Game its fine :)



Version: 1.0.0almost 9 years ago

XXX_NoscopeStory_XX 2.0

Version: 2.0.0almost 9 years ago
Bug and Clitch Fixes

In This Adventures is Mayro (the Bootleg Mario From Supra Smehs Bras) Saving
the World! From Enemies His Sister Died Because She was Freaking out!
but then The Princess has Been Kidnapped by Bowsnr but what Happens Next?
(BTW) Report any Bugs in the game ive there is!
(Important!!!) The First Chapter is with bad Lanquage!!! Because the First Chapter Made
My Friend Polarbob22!!!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mature Humor

XXX_NoscopeStory_XXX 2.0 Released!!!

The 2.0 Version of the game is Already out!
ive you dindt know! you have to download the 2.0 Version ive you want the Bug Fixed!

Update Bug Fixes Coming soon!

Im fixing some bugs and Clichtes in the game right now so the new Version
is Coming soon!