I’m happy to announce the new BTS Release (0.2.0), sadly i didn’t implemented achievements on this version, due a problem with API, but there still access to high scores who actually won the game and game time :)
There’s the changelog :)
Changelog 0.2.0
New things
Added Setup and game over screen
Added new map: Relay
Added a deployable turret
Added a new weapon: Sniper.
Deploying station
Technician can now place beacons to find player.
Added blood effect
Weapons actually ejects case shells from some guns
New enemy weapon: “Da wand”
Slightly Added pistol spread
Added Shotgun recoil and SMG
SMG now has a sight
New Inventory System
Weapon animations has ben recreated again.
Enemy AI completely rewritten
SMG Fire variant animation not playing propely.
Fixed almost all ragdoll explosions