Beyond The Stars 0.5.0 (Fixed) is already live, it’s the biggest update i ever made for this game, oferring a tweaked gameplay, updated to the new recent Unity Engine 2018, better graphics and optimization and fixed all the broken parts of the game itself.
Sadly, due to changes on the game, i can’t bring the achievements on this version yet.
Changelog 0.5.0
Updated to Unity Engine 2018.1.0f2
PostProcessing Effects
Anti-Alias options (None, Fast Approximate Antialiasing and Temporal Antialiasing)
Loading status for Main Menu and Game Level
New Impact Bullet effects
New skybox
New shooting and Reloading audio for every weapon of the game.
Battery indicator has been added to Laser Mine and tweaked its capacity and damage
Updated SMG, Sniper and shotgun models
New Sniper shooting animation.
Enemy AI Completely rewriten (again)
New explosion effects
Now Medics can heal nearby characters
Enemies now can deploy a mortar cannon which fires rockets to the base
Enemy now have a new laser gun
Empty weapons will automatically reload when picking bullets
Physics optimizations
Weapon Muzzle flash effects
Tweaked shell ejection
Diamond grenade has 450 of maximum damage over 15 meters
Tweaked and retextured SMG Weapon
Significantly reduced Sniper aim punch
Reduced SMG damage from 45 to 25
Workbench computer wont spend Ship’s resources when crafting
Enemy magic projectiles damaged reduced from 25 to 20
An objective point location has been changed
Green powerup reduces any damage depending its charge instead by time
Red powerup now multiplies weapon damage by 3 until its charge is gone
Changed crosshair
Replaced INF string with a proper Infinity symbol on UI
Removed dislike shield and every melee weapon to be replaced with range guns
Audio settings sliders works properly
First person weapons don’t clip with the map anymore
Fixed enemy not taking damage on point-blank range shots
Fixed ragdoll bugs
Weapon traces wont keep visible when quickly switching weapons after shooting
Fixed scope fov bug
Known problems
Settings screen doesn’t react correctly when the game is paused
Some enemies will attack themselves