fixed some 1.1 bugs
made some music for this game!
the pride badge now spawns on the floor for convenience.
added 4 new items
Berry: heals a random amount of hp, at least 50
Cure ultra/omega, medicine, it cures most debuffs. (besides gimmicks,
Fast food & jolly treat: Both are 50% heals that with priority, fast food heals all jolly treats heal 1.organization :3
debug area needs a code now >;) which is
(acquire it hexar)edited some maps to be gooder
more enemy overworld sprites
npc's now have their own sprites
added a guy to sell your trash
added 3 secret bosses to the game, one in milo's house (the big one in bloomleif) one for collecting at least 10 mushrooms. find it in that small area before the Ent fight
and another oneslightly nerfed Milo's damage
Can't use self-buffing skills while effects active. (QOL so you don't accidentally use sharpshooter twice in a row)
nerfed dynamite cause damn it was really op
fused the bridge and the main woods
#update #rpg #furry #scalie #dogwithagun #rework #pridemonth #gay #selfinsert #rpg #rpgmaker #rpgmakermv #mv
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