I wanted to talk about the choices of 48 Days Later a bit more and how they are going to change the game, i wanted to make a game which had tonnes of replay value so in my game every little choice will make a different no matter how small they may seem, you decide most things and with those decisions can be dire consequences some however hard you may try you may not survive from just one simple mistake you made even if every other choice is good sometimes you cannot escape deaths, the game i am not planning to be extremely long to complete in just one playthrough since i actually want every choice to be long and not link straight into another story, What if theres a sequel? Unless the engine gets an update i may have to make a cannon ending for it and incase you don’t know what that means it’s just basically and ending i decide or if you the commnuity want to you can decide which to me sounds alot better since it keeps you the community involved, surviving in this game is going to be hard, there will be tough decisions you will have to make, but the only thing is….Can You Survive?……..
(EDIT I have made a code system which you will be able to select on the sequel…If there is one…)
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