Not much video demo today, but still a lot still got accomplished today!
Sprinting Visual Feedback!
It was surprisingly easy to implement code switching from a walking sprite to a running sprite, but it makes all the difference.
Battle Assets!
I was not really able to start the actual programming of the battle because I had to make/import battle button assets.
Here are some of the new ones I made (Might change on release):
Music and Cubecrawler
I made what I intended to be a simple test enemy, but it will be an actual enemy: The Original Cubecrawler
Be sure to also check out the new songs in the OST by Grotesque 7-up#7387. The songs are pretty neat, and Grotesque even made a song for The Original Cubecrawler.
Well that's all for the day, I will leave for my Thanksgiving Break tomorrow and need to catch up on a plethora of different college assignments. So no Devlogs between Wensday 24 - Sunday 29