After doing some reworking of the old RPG system for The Crawl, reworking some formulas, I took a shot at rewriting Shield Breaker into GLBasic.
A few hours into it and I’m close to having the engine pretty close to finished.
Heres a video showing unlimited shooting, a task manager window with the program running highlighted. I’m not even going to compare this to the GM version because I know its faster. This was done on a netbook, with camstudio running and it held nicely. In comparison the GM version can suck up the whole CPU usage and use a considerable amount of ram.
Also its GM 6.1, so not to compatible.
So with a few more hours into this I can have a complete re-write of Shield Breaker that will not only be faster but also multi-platformed.
Once the engine is done, I’ll still have some graphics to redo, more music to acquire and some additional/longer music tracks.