Disney®'s FROZEN™ Deluxe Plus: Arendelle's Last Hope (For Windows PowerPoint [PPT] 2019+)
6 years ago

A Minor But Welcome Patch Has Been Released For The Basic Version Of The Game.

“What Has Improved?”

We fixed a bug that caused players on touch screened devices to have to listen to the Letter Grid music while the ending scene was simultaneously playing.

“What caused the bug?”

The undesirable overlapping audio playback happened because the Letter Grid theme plays on PowerPoint’s main audio channel, on which all non imported transition and animation sound effects reside; but the FMV ending renders on a separate channel that only takes imported audio data, such as the character dialogue in “GIGA STREET FIGHTER II: The Final Round™”, which, given the right slide count and ordering settings, can overlap as copiously as a developer wants them to.

That being said, the main channel works like any one of the voices for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), meaning that if it’s set not to turn off on its own, and nothing interrupts it, it’ll essentially just go on forever, unless it’s turned off or interrupted later, and since the FMV ending played on a different channel, that’s why that happened. We’re so very sorry about that!

Thankfully though, because the final boss quest of the deluxe edition already automatically knew how to handle multi channel management, we don’t need to release a patch for that, and so now, all bugs are truly fixed!

Please enjoy, and as always, “Happy Jading!™”



Next up

Although not yet shown here, racing-Games with proper steering-controls are coming to JadeEmatic!

How The New BradCoWaiian Dreams Will Run On A Dell Or HP Laptop From 2018 Or Earlier:

For reference, we recommend running this game on an MSI or ASUS laptop from 2022 or later, with either an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 or an AMD Ryzen 9 9950 GPU.


Have you noticed that some of our games now come in proper "boxes?" Just like the ones you might see on the Nintendo® Switch™ shelves at your local game-store?

Please comment which of our games should receive the box treatment next!


Ever since the announcement of The PS Vita, I've almost strictly been a Nintendo®-collector. So imagine my excitement when I discover that Sony® may have an early PSP™2 handheld in development!

Yes, that is my real PSP™ 3000 Silver Model!

Wild Leak Appeared?!

If the latest Nintendo rumours are anything by which to go, which — let's face it — they're not, these new plans still shan't put JadeEmatic behind The Switch's successor!

Look what just arrived in the mail today!

Proof that this is the real deal:

./ ./ ./

"Let The Hype Rage On;

The Wait Never Bothered Me Anyway!"

./ ./ ./

Yep, JadeRaw, is REAL! And, it might be coming sooner than we all thought!

That's right, "The JadeEmatic is coming! BEFORE, the Nintendo ® Switch™ successor!