More progress on my game. I have made the graphics for the places, at least in enough quantity for the work on the beta version that I hope to release soon.
It's normal to use just placeholder images in the development of a game. But in this case I preferred to have finished images because it's more comfortable for me, and because I already have a core skeleton of my game, and I am going to develop on top of it.
Here's one of the sceneries:

I try to make them mysterious and immersive. I want to communicate the feeling of these abandoned places where Tamzyn and Louis have their adventures. Ruins, abandoned cities, that are beautiful but dangerous.
Tamzyn changed the spelling of her name. The previous one was too uncommon, and some people were confused because some famous people used it. So I had several alternatives, from "Tamzin", to "Tamesin", and "Tamzyn".
I picked "Tamzyn" because it's a not usual, but common name, just like "Patrice" or "Sarah".So no problem or conflict at all for using it. In addition, Tamzyn is a variant that was more common from Romanticism to our days. It's Celtic, and on other sources it says it's Greek. Maybe the common point is the cult of Apollo, that connected to the Celts in some ways.
I am in the "Think" phase of development, but soon I will start the coding one, at least partially, so I provide my entities the basic parameters to implement all the game features later. This is a graphic on how programming works that I did some time ago:

I am going to implement a dice mechanic for my game, consisting in opposed dice rolls with cascading dice and fumbles, bonus and malus.
This should prevent draws between the monster and the heroes.
If it doesn't, the player will have resources to use magic and get advantage, because they will be able to use two characters at once: a female warrior and a male wizard. The wizard can cast magic to break the monster's defense, or empower her to beat them easier.
Stay tuned and follow me for more updates, as the exciting part is about to begin! :)