Cynthia Johnson
6 years ago

Another quick update

  • I’ve finished the all the #Atlantis puzzles

  • I’ve set up the first 6 puzzles for the final realm of Yahlevania, 15 puzzles are planned in this realm.

  • You remember I posted a fractal created by a bug. Well with the fixed version I was trying to create an effect which was in the end used in Cynthia Johnson, and that is all I’ll reveal about that one.

  • There is no official ETA yet, but if I don’t have too many setbacks, things can go pretty fast now ;)

#cynthia #johnson #cynthiajohnson #puzzle #femaleprotagonist #think
#use #your #brain #useyourbrain #nice #cool #hot (she starts in a desert after all).



Next up

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson


Celebrities (almost) killed by one of their biggest fans


Status update

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

Disney Princesses go to Hogwarts

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?

A few facts and fables about fire.