JadeCon™: JadeJohnson Industries Gaming-News, Music, Development-Tutorials, Animations, Film, TV, And Tons Of Freebies

3 years ago

Are you ready for more awesome news?!

Years back I made my own superhero. His name was: Star-man, he was his own movie franchise and was actually really interesting, after having to re-brand due to copyright issues I thought "Hm, what to make?", then it came to me! Star-man! So coming soon to a computer near you: Starman Legends!

Thank you for reading!
-Your friend, Kanon R.


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Next up

We shall be hosting the first-ever "JaderHonours"-presentation on December Thirty-First Of Twenty--Twenty-Four! We hope you will watch the video to discover what the show shall be all about!

Starman Trinity!

FFAFH AR title

That's right, "The JadeEmatic is coming! BEFORE, the Nintendo ® Switch™ successor!

Everything announced at the game/device section of SHP-con:

Wild Leak Appeared?!

Although the result-screens still haven't yet been added-in, you can already see how well "JadeOme™" is starting to come-together! We're really excited to get this title out to all of you, now that we know that we are in-fact able to do so!

It Is Now Possible To Entirely Retexture And Replace 3D Models In Your PowerPoint Game Engines!

When Office 2021 first released, model-positions were calibrated from the upper left. Now, it occurs from the center, just like with 2D sprites!

Yep, JadeRaw, is REAL! And, it might be coming sooner than we all thought!

Although not yet shown here, racing-Games with proper steering-controls are coming to JadeEmatic!