4 years ago

"Bebe's Art Studio: The Video Game":


Check out the article for the full plot and gameplay Script!


Ways To Ensure That The Final Release Pleases Bebe Ricaurte:

1. Make sure that both Story and Adventure Modes's exploration areas are absolutely bathing in "JadeJohnson Records™" covers of Ariana Grande Butera Gomez music, complete with songs that play across multiple map-sectors, and continue to be heard during battle scenes.

2. Pack "Bebe's Art Studio" with mini-games, easter-eggs, and bonus-content; including ones that have yet to be coded as of the writing of this paragraph in the script on Sunday July Eighteenth Of Twenty-Twenty-One; such as the singing-contests, bluetooth-speaker-battles, more breeds of fish to catch, the butterfly-metamorphosis feature, the Gus-The-Hobo character-appearance, the PowerPoint-lessons, the Vocal-coach-interface, et-cetera, so-on, and so-forth.

3. Design Bebe Nation to look and feel incredibly different whilst being experienced in Story Mode, as opposed to Adventure Mode, and vice versa.

4. Remember to swap out the two Wet-Dojo-Mode-stages with dry variants whose wet elements are simply shoved into the background; as it'll make the game's development that much smoother and more-likely to resultantly end up turning out perfectly glitch-free.

World Design:

Pink Sand Beaches

Moving Moderately Deep Water

Hay fields

Grass fields






A Mall

Snowy Mountains


Surfers on the ocean

Palm Trees on the beach

Pink Flamingos on the beach

Hidden Content:

Gus The Hobo

More Fishing Mini-games






Beach Volleyball


Taking PowerPoint Classes

Learning Music Theory

Shopping On Lykdat


Bebe City Fashion

Bebe's Crafted Paper

Bebe's Bakery

Bebe's Kids' Toys

Bebe's Bridal Boutique

Bebe Mart

Best Bebe

Bebe Jewelers


Bebe's Art Show

Bebe's Fashion Show

Bebe's Jewelry Show

Bebe's Fashion Tour


Bebe Queen

Bebe Garden

Bebe's Southern Chicken

Bebe's Burrito Bowls



We already know the first part of the plot, but here are some more subtle details on the gameplay mechanics.

As soon as you win a boss battle, which happens at the beginning of each level instead of at the end, since the main object of the game isn't to fight people but actually to help Bebe and her friends rebuild her precious Art Studio, an Art Shard should fall from the sky, and you should have to find the rest by hunting for paint blobs around the game world.

There will be a scene half way through the story, during which The Evil King Patrick is incarcerated, and he will try to bang on the bars to get out, crying for help, saying, "Get me outta here! Get me outta here!", after which Bebe will laugh maniacally, replying with, "NEVER You'll NEVER get outta here!" Patrick will then respond with, "Please let me outta here honey, I want you back!" Bebe will then rebutt with, "Wait. Really?" And then Patrick says, "Yes, if I could only hug you one last time!" Bebe then lets him out of jail, answering with, "Okay, I trust you." But then Patrick grunts, "Yeah yeah, big mistake." He then charges past her and heads off towards Queen Elsa's castle, where he plans to overthrow her once and for all. It is then up to the player to help Bebe bring back piece to Bebe Nation, before it's too late!

As The Evil King Patrick speeds towards Queen Elsa's castle, Bebe will take her driver's exam, and the player will help her pass the test on the first try, after which she will get her very own driver's license, and be able to chase down Patrick and stop him from taking over Bebe Nation, let alone Bebe City!

Also happening as The Evil King Patrick works his way towards Queen Elsa's Castle, Eggman drops heavy objects onto Patrick's car, in an attempt to slow him down before he reaches Queen Elsa's castle and overthrows her so he can take over the whole of Bebe Nation. Eggman finally knocks Patrick's car off course, and it crashes off screen, causing Patrick to go flying straight through Queen Elsa's front window, after which they have a quarrel that results in Elsa freezing him and his head melting off before Bebe then arrives.

Because Patrick's head melts off, the player is sent on a quest to collect its individual water droplets, in order to receive three more paintings for Bebe's Art Studio in return.

After retrieving all the water droplets and having Queen Elsa rejoin Patrick's body with his head, Patrick challenges Bebe, as well as Mallory, Jade, Austin Smith, and Soenum, who joined Bebe in the car on the way there; to a bowling tournament. If Bebe's team wins, then she gets twenty six whole artpieces, complete with all of their individual room customizations in Bebe's atelier!

After winning the bowling tournament, Patrick asks Bebe why she brought him back to life after Elsa froze him, whereafter she explains that she felt bad that she couldn't stop his unplanned death.

Bebe then declares that if Patrick is to be killed, it must be by her own means.

Patrick then accepts his fate, and proclaims that he'll let Bebe do anything she wants to vanquish him, so long as she doesn't hurt his family.

Bebe then agrees to his conditions, and proceeds to challenge him to a single round of Mortal Kombat.

If Bebe wins, then all shall be right with Bebe Nation, and she henceforth becomes its rightful new queen.

if Patrick wins, then he commends Bebe for trying her best to defeat him, and surrenders his throne to her, after which he is exiled from Bebe Nation forever, and everything is right with the land, as Bebe Ricaurte is coronated to finally become its rightful new queen.

Rewards System:

Some paint blobs will simply be hiding behind Mallory Taylor's Bebe Rescue Doors, and the others will be acquired by completing certain tasks, such as:

• Finding them by digging through slime of various colours;

• Taking a long, leisurely drive without any threats of any kind to the grocery store and buying paint of the required colours from a manditory list that won't let you buy anything unless it is written on it, after which you will magically appear back at the museum instead of driving all the way back;

• Revealing the hidden artpiece from a giant ink blot by popping the ink bubbles until you find the magical accessibility bubble that reveals the whole painting at once;

• Talking to villagers around Bebe City and hearing their stories so you can give them what they need in exchange for an art piece that they gave everything to protect from The Evil King Patrick;

• Digging through the mud to find three puzzle pieces to complete the rest of the artpiece;

• Watching the news and learning more about the ongoings and development of Bebe City and then receiving the rest of the artpiece in question in the mail;

• Working at Jade's Calistogan Mud Spa in order to receive compensation in the form of the rest of the artpiece at hand;

• Buying food to re awaken your creative fire and inspire you to perfectly recreate the rest of the missing artpiece and show it to Bebe in order to receive her approval and have it displayed in her Art Studio;

• Receiving perfect reproductions of Bebe's artpieces from JadeJohnson after he either makes them on his own or is asked to do so by the player;

• Playing as Bebe in an AnnieMon Battle without any realistic blood sprites to win the rest of an artpiece;

• Catching a salmon, after which you'll receive both the rest of the current artpiece, as well as one extra paint blob;

• Participating in a singing contest, where winning gets you the rest of the current artpiece, only doing okay gets you just one paint blob, and doing poorly and or losing yields nothing;

• Going on an adventure and finding stuff that's the same colours as any and or all paint blobs you need, and asking JadeJohnson to convert your specimens into the actual paint blobs that are required to finish a masterpiece;

• Building a house from a selection of rooms, and picking four rooms in order to receive the rest of the current artpiece;

• Catching a butterfly in the park, and having JadeJohnson convert its nectar into paint, which can be put toward the completion of the current artpiece;

• Watching a rain storm, whose ending results in a rainbow, which will give you seven swaths of colour, which will be put toward the current artpiece;

• Having Bebe donate some of her ear ring beads to be melted down and used as colour for paint blobs that can be put toward the current artpiece;

• Customizing clothing for the Bebe Fashion store, whose final colours will result in matching paint blobs that can then be put toward the current artpiece;

• Dipping your hand in paint off screen and it turning into a certain colour, which then yields enough paint blobs of said hue to complete the current artpiece;

• Having an epic snowball fight, at the end of which a dog appears and pees in one of ten random colours (Red, Orange, Amber, Yellow, Chartreuse, Green, Turquoise, Blue, Purple, or Pink), resulting in enough matching paint blobs to enable the finishing of the current artpiece;

• Planting a sunflower and receiving paint blobs if it dies, but an entire artpiece if it blooms;

• Writing a birthday card, where clicking on certain letters triggers results and the immediate end of the composition process, and the receival of a free artpiece to be put into Bebe's Atelier;

• Watching a caterpillar evolve into a butterfly, and receiving an artpiece if it becomes a butterfly, but only receiving a paint blob if it fails to transform;

• Traveling to Bebe Island and catching some fish as either Elsa or Anna, where a successful catch yields a complete artpiece, and a miss results in either nothing or a paint blob;

• Participating in a singing battle, in which being awarded three points yields you three paint blobs, and receiving six points gets you six paint blobs;

• Participating in a voice acting battle, in which being awarded three points yields you three paint blobs, and receiving six points gets you six paint blobs;

• Participating in a blutooth speaker battle, in which having the most bass in your speaker results in your winning of a masterpiece, and not having enough bass to win yields three paint blobs instead;

• Competing in a beatboxing battle, in which giving the best performance wins you a masterpiece, and not doing well enough to win the contest yields three paint blobs instead;

• Traveling to other plannets and harvesting materials to be converted into paint blobs of the same colour;

• Finding lost items for citizens, each of which will randomly dole out either a single paint blob, or an entire artpiece;

Advanced Game Mechanics:

The mud should be of the quarry, spa, garden, and peanut butter varieties.

The mud will come in red, orange, amber, yellow, chartreuse, green, turquoise, blue, purple, and pink, as well as standard brown.

The slime will come in all the same colours too, but in lighter shades of them, and with no brown.

The colour of each room should be up to the player to decide, and will be controlled via the JadeJohnson Films Smart Actions Menu 2020 Video Accessibility Filter Overlay Control Panel.

The paintings should stay as they are instead of being altered or alterable in any way, the former happening in respect to Bebe's beautiful and marvelous craftswomanship.

You will get to each location by using the town map of Bebe City.

Bebe City will grow over time until it has blossomed into a full on Bebe Nation.

The blood in the game will only look realistic in the boss battles aGainst The Evil King Patrick.

Party Members:

The following people can be on Bebe's team to fight Patrick Riordan:

Bebe Ricaurte 1/18

Mallory Taylor 2/18

Soenum Rajesh Jethwa 3/18

JadeJohnson 4/18

Neelam Bajaj 5/18

Austin Smith 6/18

Nick Rudny 7/18

Bryan Amaya 8/18

Justin Bieber 9/18

Selena Gomez 10/18

Taylor Swift 11/18

Niall Horan 12/18

MOANA 13/18

Victoria Justice With The Purple Shirt And The Black Pants And White Shoes 14/18

Austin Moon With The Blue Striped Shirt 15/18

Jennette Mccurdy 16/18

Lindsey Pazelunas 17/18

Eggman 18/18



Next up

Although not yet shown here, racing-Games with proper steering-controls are coming to JadeEmatic!

Have you noticed that some of our games now come in proper "boxes?" Just like the ones you might see on the Nintendo® Switch™ shelves at your local game-store?

Please comment which of our games should receive the box treatment next!

That's right, "The JadeEmatic is coming! BEFORE, the Nintendo ® Switch™ successor!

Yep, JadeRaw, is REAL! And, it might be coming sooner than we all thought!

Maze Maker - Official JadeJohnson Games Gameplay Showcase

Look what just arrived in the mail today!

Proof that this is the real deal:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UArxpvOZV5M

How The New BradCoWaiian Dreams Will Run On A Dell Or HP Laptop From 2018 Or Earlier:

For reference, we recommend running this game on an MSI or ASUS laptop from 2022 or later, with either an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 or an AMD Ryzen 9 9950 GPU.


If the latest Nintendo rumours are anything by which to go, which — let's face it — they're not, these new plans still shan't put JadeEmatic behind The Switch's successor!

Due to recent events, today's showcase has been postponed to 2025.6.14. We deeply apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Wild Leak Appeared?!