Exadimension Neptunia

3 years ago

Boss Preview 1 - Nightmare Judge

Watch the video here:
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"Nightmare Judge" Boss Battle Preview - Exadimension Neptunia
Preview of a boss and its mechanics in an upcoming version of Exadimension Neptunia. Keep in mind that I'm playing somewhat suboptimally in order to show wha...

In a previous Devlog I mentioned wanting to figure out something noteable enough to give a preview of without delving too much into spoilers. I decided on a showcase for an upcoming boss fight with the "Nightmare" version of CFW Judge since everyone who's played past Chapter 3 will know that a fight against him was a matter of when and not if.

Keep in mind that I'm playing somewhat suboptimally in order to give the boss a chance to show off what he does. Also pay no mind to whatever even happened in 1:41 of the video LOL



Next up

Augmented Skills Showcase - Neptune Please click "Read Article" for more details

Augmented Skills Showcase - Nepgear Please click "Read Article" for more details

Chapter 5 Dev Update - Finalized Battle HUD (For Real This Time), New Vert Sprite, Boss Preview, and Plans for Reworks

v1.9.0 Release - Chapter 5 Completed, Status Effect Changes, Better Icons, New Skill Animations.

v1.10.0 Release - Chapter 5.5, Balance Changes, S-Sha Rework, New Items

Chapter 6 Dev Update - Guild Functionality and Augment Skills Please click "Read Article" for more details

Progress Meter for v1.10 EDIT: v1.10 is complete! I'll need about 1-2 days for enough time to playtest, check for issues, and upload the release to GameJolt.

please click "Read Article" for further explaination

S-Sha's Skillset Rework: Preview and Explaination

A Shiny New Logo!

This has been on my to-do-list for a while, but only now have I come up with a design I was happy with.

I may still make some minor edits, so I won't be updating the banner or the title screen with this new logo until the next release.

January 2020 Progress Report (?)