Phantasar Archives: Snakey II
9 years ago

Classics: I just released this for old time's sake!

What you see here, is a very extremely old game. I coded it more than 20 years ago in Turbo Pascal. It never saw a serious release though. One of my biggest issues was the fact that at the time of the game’s planned release everybody switched to Windows 95 (because Go… I mean Bill Gates demanded us to, and we were so foolish to follow him), and all my hard work was rendered useless in just a few days.

Still now that I found this game back in my old archives, and I still could wrap it up for release, I decided to take this project, back then intended as ShareWare, and to release it now as FreeWare.

I guess this goes without saying, but the game will NOT run in modern OSes such as Windows, Linux or Mac. DosBOX however does run the game. I did provide a ZIP file for older PKUNZIP versions for those who still have a working MS-DOS PC at their disposal and who’d like the run the game on the real deal, but who had an older version of PKZIP. Oh yeah, if you got an old PC, but you don’t have a good unzipper for it. I also got the DOS versions of LHA, DWC, ZOO, PAK, ARJ and RAR or I can even make a self-extracting archive for you if you have none of these available.

If you make any comments or ratings on this game take a few things in mind!

  1. The game is old, and I did not have the tools and stuff at my disposal we got today. I had to IMPROVISE a lot more, than I have to do now.

  2. Also back then we only had 256 colors.

  3. Yes, sound was an issue back then.

  4. Over the years only only the tools I got now are better, but my own skills improved as well. Today I will NEVER even THINK about setting up the game the way I did back then. Cut short this game is not a representative of my current abilities. I just uploaded it for nostalgic reasons.

  5. If you, the community are not able to appreciate all this, then I may have not choice but to disable comments and ratings. So if you find these blocked, you got a clear indication of how mature this community really is. :-P

  6. Although I do still have the source code AND the required compiler, I cannot fix any bugs. There are two reasons for that.

    • I am pretty busy on other projects at this time, this one has no priority at all, and you gotta remember, that I wrote this code 20 years ago, I also got a bit rusty in Pascal as I haven’t coded in it as intensively as I did back then for a long time. Plus, do you expect me to remember everything I did in the code back then. I will have to study it thoroughly in order to do any fixing, and I don’t have time for that.

    • Second, these sources are found and intact, but some external libraries (or Units as they are called in Pascal) are missing. Unless I recover those, bugfixing is impossible.

I had a new version of Snakey planned, but the project got abandoned due to a lot of things on my mind at the time. However I still got the code of that project AND the required compiler and libraries (or Modules as they are called in BlitzMax) so if my schedule allows me to, that project may be resumed in the future, but nothing is promised.



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