Equestria Stories: Soul and Shadow (Crystal Warfare)

8 months ago

In the process of porting to a new game engine...
Chapter Two looms on the horizon.

Goodbye, Vx Ace. And hello, RPG Maker MZ.

Found the mood to finally decide to switch to a new game engine, which is many times better than the previous one and allows me to do much more. Hopefully, I will not abandon porting despite the fact that some of the features from Vx Ace can not be transferred. To hell with them! 500 events on the map with stable frames per second at 2540x1440 resolution - I couldn't even dream of that on the previous engine!



Next up

Tribute to ...

Screens taken during development | Скриншоты разработки

Screenshots + small patch for 0.3.3 Скриншоты + небольшой патч для 0.3.3

Мяу. Процесс портирования идёт. Умираааааааююююю....

The porting process is underway. I'm dyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiing.

Patch 0.3.21 (lazy edition, meow)

V3.2 "Feline Stability" is available for download

Creative crisis or I'm sick of the same thing over and over again.

Patch 0.3.22|0.3.23 (lazy edition x2, meow)

Dev. News v3.3 "Feline im-balance 59"

Chapter Excerpt: Night of Nightmares

Фрагмент главы: Ночь Кошмаров