Time for the well-awaited tower defense game that was made back in November of 2017, then canceled in January of 2018, but remade in March of 2018.
In CvZ, you battle machines made from the Charizardia of this world and unlock more defensive towers along the way.
But no adventure is as simple as 1 + 1, as this adventure contains special requirements that will make you keep track of side goals, such as a limit on how much you can spend or how much you must produce in cash!
So far, there are 25 levels of defending to do, with 6 unique enemies and 5 unique towers to mess around with!
Expect to see CvZ 0.1 on June 23rd! Afterward, you can wait for future updates for more towers, enemies, levels, worlds, and extra functions!
Towers include:
-The Fire Tower, the tower that shoots balls of fire to defeat incoming foes! Unlocked as soon as the game begins!
-The Cash Generator, made for a boost in your cash flow, as the sky can’t help 24/7. Unlocked after Campaign level 1.
-The Ice Wall, the defense that summons more defenses in front of it. Unlocked after Campaign level 5.
-The Electro-Shock, the tower that hits up to 6 enemies at once. Unlocked after Campaign level 10.
-The Lava Bomb, the tower with a hidden ka-boom, but only after arming itself. Unlocked after Campaign level 25.
Enemies include:
-The Test Dummy, just to test out towers and their hidden functions. First encountered on Campaign level 1.
-The Basic Mech, a standard foe who has no real purpose. First encountered on Campaign level 2.
-The Force-Field Mech, a foe who functions similarly to the Ice Wall. First encountered on Campaign level 5.
-The Robo-Snake Kid, a fast foe who deals damage faster than normal, but has less health. First encountered on Campaign level 9.
-The Cash Stealer, who steals any untouched cash, but can only hold a maximum of $20 at one time. First encountered on Campaign level 17.
-The Charging Mech, who charges and shoots bullets. First encountered on Campaign level 25.
Might be a lot of info to take in…..
An expert mode will be released, most likely around the same time, that makes enemies harder to defeat, and makes certain requirements stricter!
And, as a little teaser, I’ll show all 6 current achievements.