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The brand new version of CvZ!
Old CvZ
The difficult tower defense game!
Old Version (1.7.0); Demo for v2.0.0 Released
Welcome Mechanical Mashers!
CvZ, a PvZ fan-game, will have challenges in store.
17 towers to counter the 19 deadly foes within this game!
3 worlds to explore, Campaign with 100 levels, Halloween with 10 levels, and Christmas with 10 levels!
Play in Hard Mode to increase the difficulty of previously completed levels.
Side Levels in both worlds improve upon the difficulty even more of the level they are attached to, however, the level must be beaten in Easy and Hard mode.
Special requirements hide within different levels, so nothing feels too repetitive.
An Info-Nator that shows tower stats and enemy stats.
A Turbo Button, making everything faster!
Robotic Celebrations, just more levels with interesting twists.
Tower levels, making towers MORE powerful than before!
A daily login feature, granting even better rewards the more you log in!
Missions, which allow you to gain rewards from defeating a certain amount of enemies. You get 3 new quests every day.
Premium Missions, which are one-time multi-step missions that give huge rewards.
"Weekly" Missions, which show off a specific tower at maximum level.
Favorite Tower System. Right-click a tower to make it a favorited tower, but favorite towers can only be selected as long as no non-favorite towers are selected!
And, in the future, much more to mess around with!
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