Hello everyone,
anyone who checked out Dark Cell in the last few months might have thought that further development was canceled. Fortunately, that’s incorrect.
End of 2014 and beginning of 2015 was pretty busy for me and college had a higher priority than game projects I work on in free time - because free time was kinda hard to stumble upon. As the end of 1st semester is closing in, I started doing some major changes to Dark Cell.
The lightning system. Because of cut-scenes that are featured in the upcoming 1.1 update, I scrapped the old lightning system that is used in the current version. Because of several bugs that affect the cutscenes and other levels, I decided to switch the out the flashlight - and add a simple lighter. Of course, such changes require compensation. Earlier versions of Dark Cell we’re just too…dark. The 1.1 update will make rooms way less dark, but will still require the player to use the lighter to make puzzle solving and movement easier.
Interaction with objects and environment. The main character will have animations for every action he executes. For example, using the right mouse button will make the player raise his arm and turn on the lighter and clicking the right mouse button again will do the opposite. In terms of objects, the player will no longer use the ‘E’ key for picking up items and ‘Q’ to drop them. Instead, clicking an object with the left mouse button will make the player crouch and pick up the item and when solving the puzzle, the player will have to click on any object in the environment to interact with it.
After I fully implement these functions mentioned above, the final development stage begins, such as adding more objects, levels and sounds.
In the end, I would like to thank everyone who has shown interest in Dark Cell. It’s getting closer to 100 followers which makes all the hard work worth it.
Enjoy this spoiler picture:

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