The Fairy Tale REVAMPED

8 years ago

Demo Update 17.4.6-alpha10

I’ve uploaded a new demo again.
This most of all due to a crash Fasold reported, which was a pretty critical one (and one I didn’t see because it only affects the demo, and it was trying to access data only available in the full version)… Well that one has been fixed.

A few other things have also been taken care of.

  • FIXED: A bug with the travel emblem in the holy path has been taken care of, although a similar bug got me during the test of the Earth Spirata temple in the full version (which is odd, given the circumstances), but since this is only a cosmetic bug I hope I can take care of this during the full version test.

  • FIXED: When you are wearing an unsellable item and try to trade the game crashes. In the demo this can only happen if you have an Anna account and got yourself access to Anna’s temple as a result, but in the full game this would be a very serious problem.

  • Speaking of Anna’s temple, a few expansions have been done here.

  • FIXED: A few unsellable items could oddly enough still be traded. That has also been taken care of.

At your service folks ;)



Next up

Why do people wanna be a #moderator? Is it really such a #cooljob?

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

No more launcher needed in the new game, however I kept in Marrilona's dress-ups in the load-game screen based on the current time of the year.

Killing only brings you so far!


Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?

Too easy, you've been warned now

Announcement - Open Beta will begin soon

BallPlay future

Concept save game screen