SeƱorita El Chupacabra
7 months ago

Demo V 0.2.0 is available!



Next up

In short:

- code for shooting and casting spells rewrite;

- orcs added, opponent type: brutes;

- new model of protagonist

- opponent control

A new demo of a third-person shooter with tactical elements is up! New tools, opponents and more!

In short:

- new model of the protagonist in-game;

- presenting contraptions

- the story will be told through comic

Finally added elves to my shooter game on Wild West, now when I add the last opponent type, I can polish my game.

I making Stream as a part of Steam Next! You can take a look, chat and have fun!


Dwarfs are added, now it's getting serious!

The shooting was recoded, and now is shooting in the centre of the screen, and depending on the weapon type, some bullets can act differently.

The demo is available and you can play 1st level now, soon I am going to update so 2nd level will be too!

Devlog: https://youtu.be/dS9uT_TfWnA

In short:

- added red humans as "invisible warriors";

- tilesets are ready to make levels;

- slowly spells are added to the game.

Wishlist now !

Still working on better AI, but in the background, I have improved one biome in the game and am almost done with the new logo and capsule art for the game page.

Also, some people are interested in the city-builder module tot he game.

Senorita El Chupacabra - Cinematic trailer of shooter game with magic

Shooter with steampunk guns and magic on the cartoony version of Wild West, count every bullet, use traps, and take control of opponent!

Wishlist now!