TL;DR Older maps will look better, current maps will have arrows telling you where you can and can’t go, Repels will be a thing, and Sprites are not being worked on right now.
TheTwitGamer has graciously made an hour long video on this game allowing me to get more than enough feedback from the video itself, as well as the comments. As of me writing this, it looks like no one had any issues with the actual gameplay of the game, and are more concerned with its aesthetical and technical aspects instead.
Sprites and Environments
This one is simple enough to understand. The sprites aren’t accurate, and the nations could more closely resemble themselves. To me personally, this isn’t a high priority issue, but I have noticed that some of the environments that were already there way back in May aren’t consistent with the quality of the more recently made maps. Saturn Forest will definitely be getting a makeover. Speaking of maps…
Maps and Sense of Direction
Ever since I got complaints of people not knowing you were able to go right from the Golden Grotto, I’ve tried designing the maps in a way that made it obvious that funnels indicated a new area. This resulted in the edges of some maps looking really… bad.
But regardless, Twit didn’t know about the passage to the right and was still stuck in that area longer than he should have been. I decided that there would have to be an alternative solution to people getting lost:
Introducing: Map Guides. These arrows will constantly bob left and right or up and down telling you which tiles will take you to a new area. Take note that not all maps in the future may have this. Sometimes, figuring out where to go could be a challenge in itself, but I don’t plan on having that challenge exist in any of the current maps. Hopefully, this feature will contribute to lessening the next problem…
Random Encounters
A few months ago, I proposed 2 new dungeon types that would be completely free of random encounters. The problem was that the first instance of them were all the way in Chapter 3. There are lots of random encounter filled areas before that point, and getting lost is apparently a problem. The new arrows will help with that a bit, but just in case, I’m adding another solution. I think a Repel system from Pokemon would actually work really well. It gives players something else to budget their funds on, and can be controlled to an extent.
That was quite a longer post than usual. Chapter 4 is still far from finished. I’m currently testing out a teleport system mentioned at the start of Chapter 4. So far I haven’t run into any issues yet. That’s all I wanted to talk about today. Thanks for reading!