
2 years ago

Devlog # 3

Hello everyone! Today we share Zions character details in our main page. Visit the attached article where Dream discusses the Hero Points system, etc. Thank you!

Zions Hero Points system is innovative as it allows characters to take on super-powered enemies beyond the limitations of equipment/leveling system. Usually in a JRPG game you need to level up and rely on gear to survive. This needs to be handled differently in Zions as we're dealing with a superhero JRPG. In the comics, superheroes don't wear armor, they don't level up either. It is for this reason that if these systems are implemented they must follow and fit the story.

When I started collecting comics in 1994, I came across Reed Richards of The fantastic Four, he had an ingenious way of providing a solution to this problem. The Incredibles movies confirmed its importance and the manga One Punch Man and the manhwa Solo Leveling solved the problem of leveling up within this genre.

In Zions, leveling up only goes so far. From then on it is necessary to use “equipment”. With these two systems you can finish the game and beat superbosses, but for those who want to face the multiple megabosses, they need to use the Hero Points system. Hero Points allow you to increase a superhero's power in Zions beyond any level or equipment cap. This system allows power beyond the limitations of the development engine. The Hero Points allow a complete customization of the parameters of each superhero.

To keep the focus on the development of this game, I will limit the devlogs considerably, but we will continue to be extremely active in answering messages. I don't believe in Demos. I believe in releasing a finished product. Thank you!



Next up

Woot! Zions development continues. Thank you for following!

Yo! It's me, Gokhan. Early access for Dragon Ball Super: Reincarnation game is up dude! Read the article below for...Aaagghh!! (Gokhan appears to have been attacked by a ki blast)

Devlog # 2. English Version.

Last month, we shared gameplay details with our followers on the main page. Today, we've decided to show a premise of the game to the public. Next month, we'll be sharing character details! #superhero

The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!

Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!

Learn more 🔽

Yo! Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection Game build 2 is now available. Same game, less RAM/CPU loads. Thank you for playing!

Character: Quicksilver

Source: Vintage Marvel comic, TV series, and toy line

The show that taught you about physics and science but never obeyed them.

Yes, I know I look crazy, I’m in a silver jumpsuit.

He only had one hand exposed, the other was gloved.

Hola papus y amigas, soy yo, el dios de este mundo. Puedes llamarme papi, o tu papu si sabes a lo que me refiero. De cualquier manera, soy el dios al que sin saberlo sirves. ¿No es eso triste? NO.

Echa un vistazo a mi artículo para que veas mas arte.

Devlog # 3. Spanish Version

¡Hola a todos! Hoy compartimos detalles de los personajes de Zions a través de nuestra página principal. Visita el artículo adjunto donde Dream discute el sistema Hero Points, etc.

Wanna win 1,000 Joltbux? 💸

We extended the quest to wishlist INAYAH - Life After Gods on Steam and giving you more chances to win!

You have until March 3rd. We'll pick a winner each day the quest is active! 🤯

Supreme Woman here. Zions trailer is up! Check it out on our game page or click on the link below.