Almost there!
This week’s focus was pretty much again all on finalizing, testing and polishing systems. The testing went pretty well and the asset now works in all versions I want to support and all 3 available render pipelines. I have started on the documentation but most of the time went into more code cleanup, organization, small bug fixes and improvements. One final bigger task was to fully match the feature set for the asset of the old Unity UI system with the new one. This is almost completed now with only a couple small things left to finish. I’m pretty hyped about getting it finished up soon and sending it to the Unity team for review. I think it really turned out great and should be of great use to all kinds of Unity developers.
Notable tasks this week:
Matched features set for both Unity UI systems
Worked on finalizing and polishing systems
That’s all I got this week. I hope you are all doing well.
Stay safe out there and I’ll see you next week.